
The policies followed by Neasham Parish Council

Accessibility Policy

To help users of assistive technology

Assets Register Policy

How we value our "fixed" assets

Civility and Respect

Bullying and Harassment Statement

Complaints Policy

What to do if you wish to complain

Data Protection Policy

Keeping your personal data secure

Cookie Policy

Cookies go with websites these days!

Disciplinary and Grievance Policy

Neasham Parish Council's HR Policy

Document Management Policy

Details about how the Parish Council manages, archives and stores documents

Equality Policies

Our policy on equality, diversity and equal opportunities

Expenses Policy

Policy governing the costs and expenses that may be claimed by Neasham Parish Council personnel

Risk Management Policy

Identifying and evaluating the risks which may reasonably affect Neasham Parish Council, its councillors and the public

Standing Orders

Standing orders set out the rules for the conduct of the Council’s meetings and its organisational, administrative and procurement arrangements