7 May 2024

Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7 May 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room


P Dunn, G Crute, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker


B Crossen (Holiday), J Weighell (Sickness)

24/017- WELCOME

K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from B Crossen (Holliday), J Weighell (Unwell).


There were no Declarations of Interest.


The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 2 April 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


  1. None of the members indicated that their interests in the Declarable Interests submitted in May 2023 had changed. Therefore there was no need for them to submit an updated Declaration.
  2. Following the resignation of J Grainger, a vacancy exists on the parish council. This has been advertised on the Darlington BC and Neasham PC websites together with Facebook on 29 April as required. Also, because of the resignation there is a need to appoint a third person as a signatory to the current account. It was agreed that the Chair be appointed. Clerk to arrange with Barclays.
  3. In view of J Weighell’s current mobility issue, assistance is required in posting notices and the flying of flags. It was agreed that S Gray could be responsible for the flying of flags, the Vice Chair volunteered to produce a short flag flying policy. The Vice Chair also volunteered to temporarily post notices on all four boards. J Weighell had carried out the weekly inspections of the defibrillator in the absence of the  volunteers.

24/021 – PACT REPORT

At recent meeting it had been queried as why there were no meetings held in Neasham. This issue had been considered at previous parish council meeting and the Chair had contacted the Chair of the Reading Rooms who agreed that it would be made available without charge. Clerk had informed the PCSO.


  1. P Walters reported that the contaminated “orange” water in the ditch alongside Neasham Road near Skipbridge had been inspected by Highways in conjunction with the Environment Agency who had taken samples. Although the likely cause was the disturbance of the old land fill, investigations were continuing.
  2. It was reported that there were still problems with the drainage on the road to Low Dinsdale. E Mliller stated that recent rainfall had been very heavy and it appears that the new installation cannot cope with the flow.


  1. The debris to the east end steps to embankment had been removed by the Environment Agency on 8 April.
  2. A meeting with D Inch (EA Upper Tees Catchment Manager) had been arranged for the 2nd May, but at Mr Inch’s request it has been re-arranged for 12noon on May 8th. The Chair and Vice Chair will be in attendance.
  3. Two concerns raised by D Inch in conversations with the clerk were 1) Weed killing by Street Scene around the return sluices that leave bare soil. 2) Overgrowing vegetation from the backs of dwellings in Teesway backing onto the embankment. Both of these items have been discussed previously with the EA. Neasham PC issues are:- 1) who is responsible for the removal of debris on the step as it appears that the EA are under no obligation to remove it., 2) although EA say that the sets of steps are not on their asset list, they were initially constructed and subsequently refurbished by them, at the same time two sets of steps were removed. It was stated that Street Scene spray around everything and consideration could be given to protective mesh cages around vulnerable trees and “do not spray” signs.
  4. M Hannaford reported that he had sprayed the giant hogweed on the embankment and will spray again later.


  1. P Dunn reported that 1 tub had been donated and 2 new tubs purchased. The flowers would be available in June and the cost would be the same as last year. They had looked at the shrubbery and removed two dead plants and were happy to be involved in further work required. The members agreed and it was left to them to involve Pretty Gardens if needed, as money had been set aside for him carrying out some works.
  2. The repair work required to the warped boarding to the Memorial Garden will be carried out in the near future.
  3. Reinstatement of goal posts damaged by recent floods has been carried out.
  4. The Vice Chair stated that all (bar 1) covid signs have been removed and queried whether we wish to renew the “trip hazard” and “no cycling signs”. M Hannaford agreed to review the signs required throughout the green.
  5. The “Other contacts” sheet (as circulated) for posting on the notice boards was agreed.
  6. Repair works to Pumphouse stonework will be carried out when the weather improves.
  7. In response to a parishioner’s request to move the garden waste collection period forward by two weeks, Street Scene had replied that this would be considered when they are planning the program for 2025.
  8. The lighting standard for the village green floodlighting has been erected, but is only connected when in use.

24/025– PLANNING

  1. Applications received since last meeting:-
    24/00281/FUL – Installation of 12kw Air Source Heat Pump to front of Willow Garth, Dibdale Road, Neasham, DL2 1PF. (APPROVED).
    24/00203/FUL – Part change of use of an agricultural field and erection of a vehicle/workshop building etc including new vehicular access at Land adjacent to 2 Neasham Spring Farm Cottages, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor DL2 1QS. It was reported that the building was for the storage of a camper van (APPROVED).
  2. Decisions posted since last meeting: - None.
  3. L Tostevin summarised the Formal notification of the result of the appeal against the enforcement notice regarding the siting of 4 mobile caravans at Skipbridge which as expected had been upheld. It is anticipated that this will now be followed by an application for access to Neasham Road..


  1. Trees, Village Green (including Pumphouse etc) deferred due to weather conditions, have now been completed.
  2. No defects had been raised in April.
  3. The annual All Risks Checklist has been circulated and was approved.

24/027 – FINANCE

  1. Payment of invoice from 2023/4 Hurworth CA £18.06 was approved. There were no other payments made.
  2. The balance in the current account at 31 March 2024 was £10,482.78 less unpaid cheque £75, savings account £7,251.38 giving total funds of £17,665.16. The Precept for 2024/5 in the sum of £10,470.00 has been received.
  3. The accounts have been approved by the auditor and the speedy turn around by him is appreciated. Members agreed that as neither the gross income or expenditure exceeds £25,000, we are exempt from an external audit.
  4. The 2023/4 Annual Governance and Accountability Return was approved and signed off. The dates for the period of the Exercise of Public Right to Inspection was agreed as commencing on 10 June and ends 19 July.
  5. The Vice Chair has forwarded a newsletter from an insurance broker with information on “security from cyber attack”, but the members did not currently show any interest in reconsidering the Neasham PC position on this.
  6. AC Media had moved the recipient for the website contact page to the Neasham PC email.


The Reading Rooms have been booked for the Assembly on 21 May. The Chair proposes that it will be on an informal basis with light refreshments. The Chair of the Reading Rooms had been invited to speak. The Chair had cards ready as flyers together with posters. A definition an Assembly had been prepared by the Vice Chair ready for posting with the notice on Facebook.


  1. Following a query by the Vice Chair, L Tostevin confirmed that the Darlington BC Council Plan 2024-27 had not been circulated to parish councils, although it had been published in “One Direction” and she would inform the next committee of this. The final version of the plan would be published shortly. In response to a query on bus stops on Neasham Road, a stop had been requested on the other side of the road at Hurworth Springs, but that would require a footpath and TVCA had refused to pay for it. The stop at Abbey Corner was still only indicated by a pole as a temporary stop.
  2. P Walters reported that “vaping” was a problem in Darlington and that Darlington BC had closed down one shop selling products to underage children.


  1. Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (22/04, 25/04), Newsletter (03/04,22/04), Events (02/04, 03/04, 12/04, 16/04). All listed for information only.
  2. Regional Economic Crime Control Centre (RECCC) – monthly cyber crime updates (15/04)
  3. Darlington BC Safer Communities Officer wishes to meet the parish council, clerk to invite him to next meeting.


  1. The Chair yet to contact the owner’s son regarding a protruding step on the north side paving of Teesway.
  2. It was agreed to purchase a D-Day 80 commemoration flag. Clerk to organise.
  3. The Chair stated that he is not aware of WW2 history associated with Neasham and would research the issue.
  4. The draft submission prepared by the Vice Chair in respect of the DESNZ survey was approved.


Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 4 June 2024.  The meeting concluded at 8.02pm.

Minutes signed on 4 June 2024 by K Sandick