7 June 2021
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Monday 7 June 2021, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
John Weighell (Chair), G Conlin, G Crute, P Dunn, E Miller, K Sandick, L Tostevin (Ward Councillor), J Walker (Clerk)
J Grainger, C Chou (Ward Councillor)
21/035 - WELCOME
J Weighell welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence from C Chou (working) were accepted. The Chairman thanked all members for their efforts in the new website production, creation of the new communal seating area and all other individual work on behalf of the council. G Crute responded with a vote of thanks to the Chair for all of his work for the parish throughout the year, which received unanimous approval from the members.
G Crute declared an interest in the new website production.
- The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 4 May 2021 were confirmed as a correct record.
- The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 May 2021 were confirmed as a correct record.
Minute 21/032 – Filling Vacancy for Parish Councillor. There had been only person, Mark Hannaford, who had expressed an interest in being co-opted as a councillor. The Chair had informed him of all the responsibilities the position required and it was agreed to invite him to the next meeting.
21/039 – PACT REPORT
No meeting had been held, but it was anticipated that one would be held in June. No crimes were reported, however it was understood that some of the quad bikes which had been creating havoc on farmland within the parish boundaries had been apprehended on the Firth Moor estate
The meeting with Bethan Hacker to discuss the signage on the right of way through the New Lane development still had not taken place as she was still working from home and not allowed to make site visits. Although this issue had been ongoing for over a year, it was generally agreed that the existing signage was continuing to cause confusion amongst local residents, however the best course of action would be to await Bethan Hacker’s visit to site when permitted.
The Chair reported that three weeks ago a fleet of Agency vehicles carrying an extensive workforce and equipment had arrived in the village and commenced various works. Before they departed the Chair raised the issue of uneven paving slabs and was informed that all slabs had been inspected and all were satisfactory, except one which had been re-bedded. G Crute proposed that we should monitor the situation closely and in the future formally request the Agency to carry out remedial works to any defects found. This was accepted by the members.
The Chair reported that Brindle Construction had completed their paving work to the communal seating area and was very pleased with their work. The notice board and two seats had been moved to the area with a further one to do. Six tubs had initially been positioned in the area, but two had been re-located as the area had looked crowded. The planter constructed by the Chair was also in place and planted up. The excavated arisings from the construction proved not to be the good topsoil hoped for and the pile was excavated and deposited on the river bank by E Miller, to whom thanks were expressed.
21/043 – PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:-
- 21/00300/OUT Manor Farm, Low Dinsdale – Erection of agricultural dwelling (NO COMMENT).
- 21/00454/TF Work to 4 trees at 7 The Courtyard, Low Dinsdale (NO COMMENT).
- Decisions received since last meeting:- None.
- There had been no known developments regarding the appeal against the planning refusal to the traveller sites.
- Scheduled Inspections in May. Flower tubs were currently being carried out and the additional tubs are to be included on the schedules. The pre-use inspection of the electrics was deferred, as no event had been organised.
- No defects raised in May, with three existing defects remaining open that had been forwarded to Darlington BC for remedial action, who say they are all part of routine maintenance. Clerk to forward copies to G Crute to investigate whether they could be closed or referred to Darlington BC again.
- The revised village green Public Service Risk Assessment was presented. G Crute outlined the basis of the revision and was confident that all significant matters had been picked up recent years, but had now incorporated at form at the back end of the document which anyone could use to forward any issues arising in the future. G Crute stated he will review the document each year.
21/045 – FINANCE
- Payments made in May:-
- Middlemiss Machinery (Posts for noticeboard) £23.05.
- Brindle Construction (Seating area paving) £2,400.00.
- J Walker Expenses (ZOOM May) £14.39.
- J Walker Expenses (Spanglefish Website) £29.95.
- Wilkinsons Plant Centre (Compost for extra tubs) £38.40.
- Middlemiss Machinery (Timber for new planter) £30.30.
- Wilkinsons Plant Centre (Soil Conditioner for tubs) £28.00.
- Neasham Nurseries (Flowers for tubs) £238.68
- Anticipated invoices for payment in June: Skipbridge Signs (Website link signs), M Harrison (Moving seats), Clerk salary and PAYE.
- The clerk confirmed that the Zoom Premium subscription had been cancelled and that after 10 June any use of ZOOM would be on the free package with the limits of the meeting duration.
- The clerk confirmed that the current total for reclaimable VAT amounted to £451.62 and would be submitting a claim to HMRC in June,
- The clerk explained that because of the additional works required, the full budget for the provision of the new website had been expended, leaving no monies for additional support. The clerk’s request for authorisation to order up to four hours work per annum by the designer was approved, should that be required.
- G Crute outlined the position with the Code of Conduct for Councillors, which Neasham PC had recently updated. The Neasham PC Code had been revised by adoption of the NALC template. Unfortunately, since then NALC have issued a recommendation that the Local Government Association version should be accepted. The question being for Neasham PC is, whether to amend the Neasham Code to that version as now as suggested by NALC, or to leave as our last revision. It was agreed not to make any further revision at this time and review the Code as necessary in the future.
- The review of the Neasham PC Data Protection Procedures and the Asset Register by G Crute and the clerk is ongoing.
- The Chair re-iterated his thanks for those involved in successfully setting up the new website.
- The clerk has attended training sessions on the new website organised by the web designers.
L Tostevin reported Darlington BC had been offered 20,000 trees some of which could be made available, free of charge, to parish councils who had a need for trees or hedgerows. Any parish council interested should forward a list of their requirements to Darlington BC as soon as possible. It was also stated that Darlington BC would maintain trees issued under this scheme.
- All as circulated with no issues raised by the members. An additional newsletter from NALC had also been circulated on 3 June.
- Email from Mazars 17 May confirming that they had received the Certificate of Exemption to external audit from Neasham PC.
- G Crute reminded the meeting that councils had been asked by NALC to complete the MHCLG survey on remote meetings prior to the approaching deadline. This is important, particularly as it would be impossible for Neasham to carry on business if a situation arose where the Reading Rooms was closed, without any alternative. (Post meeting note:- the clerk submitted the questionnaire 8 June).
- The Chair reported that some villagers were now connected to high speed broadband, but connection was costly.
- The clerk queried the cost of using the Reading Rooms for meeting. K Sandick agreed to have the cost confirmed. If it was in excess of the £10 fee currently charged then the clerk to report back to council.
- P Dunn requested that the Inspection Schedule be updated to include the new tubs and planters for her to carry out her inspection. The Chair agreed to update.
- G Crute reported that there was little tree maintenance required this year and currently only two trees, located outside 25 and 29 Teesway, appear to require attention. He had been advised that if we wish to reduce the height it would be better to carry it out in summer rather than later. Some work to the leylandii hedge will also be required.
- An observation by a parishioner was presented to the meeting. It had been noticed that Hurworth PC were carrying out a project on bird boxes and would Neasham PC be interested in such a scheme.
- P Dunn had received an email from someone wanting to start a dementia friendly society to draw people’s attention to the issue and hoped to receive further information later.
The date of the next ordinary Parish Council meeting was set at Tuesday 6 July 2021.
The meeting concluded at 7.50pm
Minutes signed on 6 July 2021 by J Weighell (Chair)