6 February 2024
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
B Crossen, P Dunn, G Crute, M Hannaford, E Miller, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker
J Grainger, K Sandick, J Weighell
23/133 - WELCOME
In the absence of the Chair the meeting was chaired by the Vice-chair. G Crute welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from K Sandick (unwell), J Weighell (family member hospitalised), J Grainger (Holiday).
There were no Declarations of Interest. However issues regarding recent flooding and access to Maidendale Farm were referred to by E Miller.
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 December 2023 were confirmed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.
23/137 – PACT REPORT
It was reported that Neasham PC do not appear to be getting notifications of pending meetings. The clerk was instructed to find out who is responsible for issuing these notifications and request they be sent directly to him in order that he can inform the Neasham PC representative. M Hannaford agreed to represent Neasham PC.
- The survey on the condition of the existing main roads running through the village is not limited to the potential damage arising from anticipated heavy traffic to and from Dinsdale Golf Club, but also to form a base point against which could be demonstrated the extent of all defects in road surfacing including to white lining and kerbs. Although J Grainger had provided photographs there had been little progress overall. In view of J Weighell’s current family commitments it was agreed to relieve him of his involvement in this project with B Crossen agreeing to replace him.
- A letter had been sent to the parishioners who had complained about the condition of access tracks across the grass verge between the service road and Teesway, setting out the reasons as to why Neasham PC do not accept any responsibility. To date there has been no response back. B Crossen reported that some filling of the potholes had been carried out by persons unknown.
- M Hannaford reported that there were some large holes in the road opposite 28 Teesway. He also reported that the road to Low Dinsdale had become so degraded that it was impossible for two lorries to pass each other and that potholes were causing cyclists to swerve increasing the risk of serious collision. L Tostevin reported that a complaint had received by Darlington BC regarding white lining which was either missing or worn away and that it was important for parish councils to keep following these issues up with Highways.
- G Crute queried as to what extent the conditions on Dinsdale Golf Club application were being applied.
- E Miller reported that there had been a bad accident on the road near Skipbridge. J Grainger had been amongst the first to arrive on the scene and did an excellent job in helping mobilise emergency services.
- E Miller stated that he was concerned about hedge cutting along the road to Darlington particularly on the concealed bends making it very dangerous and a record should be kept of any accidents.
- It had been reported that moles were continuing to be active in the flood bank and surrounding area. The Agency are aware of this and will be returning to site to carry out this eradication work.
- Erosion to flood bank around small tree has been reported to the Agency who will carry out any necessary remedial works.
- There is currently an underspend on the second levelling grant for works to the Memorial and Millennium gardens. Pretty Gardens had been on standby to carry out any maintenance but it had not been required or prevented by waterlogged ground conditions. M Hannaford and B Crossen agreed to monitor the position. Another factor in the underspend is the temporary lighting for the Carol Service. The lighting used at the service had been borrowed and was intended to be used as a trial, but it was found not to be suitable and therefore an alternative lighting system needs to be purchased. It was agreed that this should be treated as a matter of urgency to avoid the underspend at the year end.
- The two sets of goal posts had been damaged by recent floods, one of which has come apart. It was resolved not reinstatement them fully, but reinstate only one set closer to the flood bank to reduce the risk in future floods. The existing components could remain on site, but any grass cutting operatives should be made aware of their location. M Hannaford agreed to organise the reinstatement.
- P Dunn has reported that one of the planters has been damaged possibly by a vehicle and needs replacing. However it was felt that this not an ideal location and it was resolved not to replace it and remove it from the register of assets. B Crossen reported that a steel band had broken on one of the wooden planters at the east end of the village and it was resolve to replace it with a plastic one, P Dunn to arrange purchase.
- The Christmas had been highly successful with numbers up on the previous year, both at the outdoor service and the refreshments and Santa experience indoors at the Reading Rooms. The enforced change of venue had beneficial to the event with the Reading Rooms proving to be more suitable location and adaptable for incorporating a “grotto” for children to meet Santa. The co-operation between the parish council and the Reading Rooms demonstrated the benefit to the community by working together, brought about by this event.
- The “End of Project” report on the Christmas event had been submitted to Banks. It was agreed to repeat the event in co-operation with the Reading Rooms in 2024. In response to a query as to whether further grants would be available, L Tostevin advised that it would not be known until June/July. If a Banks grant was not available, it was resolved to make enquiries for alternative financial support.
23/142 – PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:-
23/01129/FUL 1&3 Neasham Hill, Neasham DL2 1QY – Alteration works to form single dwelling, together with vehicular access to Dibdale Road. Due to required return date of 22/01/24 for comment, members were balloted and approved a response of APPROVED SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, regarding traffic control suggested by the Vice Chair. This decision was submitted to Darlington BC 11/01/24 and it was confirmed at this parish council meeting. It is understood that objections to the proposal have been lodged by Highways Authority.
23/01158/FUL Manor Farm, Low Dinsdale, Neasham DL2 1PN – Erection of new poultry house for improved welfare of poultry stock. In view of the absence of any negative reports on the project the members approved a response of NO COMMENT. - Decisions received since last meeting: - Darlington BC no longer send out notifications on decisions on applications which now can only be seen on the planning portal.
- 22/00875/FUL Dinsdale Park Golf Club application. There was nothing further to report.
- Update on Appeal against enforcement notice for the siting of 4No mobile caravans and associated works at Skipbridge, Neasham Road. Nothing to report, but L Tostevin agreed to inform the clerk should there be any developments. As to the unauthorised work to the adjacent site, P Walters said that hedges had been ripped out and there were missing drains under crossovers which were causing water to flood out across the road to Straight Lane, however it was noted that the Highways Authority had the matter in hand.
- The Risk Management Report for 3Q 2023/4 had been circulated.
- Scheduled inspections due in January were Xmas lights (post-use), which were inspected and boxed for storage.
- Two defects were raised in January both related to flooding, one (erosion to tree) was referred to the Environment Agency, the other (goal posts), remedial action deferred until safe to work in the area.
23/144 – FINANCE
- Previously approved payments made in December/January:- K Sandick £221.35 (Xmas lights, tree etc), RBL £60.00 (Donation), HMRC £154.80 (PAYE), Clerk £619.20 (Salary), Hurworth Grange £64.30 (Copying), H Crute £26.74 (Printing), Clerk £25.29 (Stationary, postage), Reading Rooms £445.00 (Event refreshments, children’s presents) Hurworth Concert Band £150.00 (Carol Service), The Range £14.48 (Lights storage box) , Treemarker £38.36 (Tree tags).
- The requested precept for 2024/5 of £10,470 has been accepted by Darlington BC and will be paid in April.
- The outstanding monies in respect of the Levelling Up Fund second grant must be spent by 31/03/24.
The Vice Chair stated that he felt it was important to resolve any issue with postings on the Neasham Villagers Facebook group before making plans for a future communications strategy. P Walters reported that no member had been in touch with him regarding advice on the way forward. The clerk agreed to follow up.
L Tostevin reported that there had been talk about additional buses, but at the moment the circular bus service with alternating reverse direction would continue, although there are no reverse services mid-afternoon. Not all the additional bus stops have been provided. L Tostevin also reported that Stagecoach’s contract is shortly due for review and it is likely that it will be renewed.
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (13/12, 10/01), Chief Executive bulletin 07/12, 18/01, Events (12/12), Civility and Respect Newsletter (15/12) CLCA Revised meeting date (17/01). For information only.
- Email from a parishioner reporting that he had observed a dog which he thought to be a Bully XL breed walking in the village without a muzzle. How there is little the parish council can do, other than pass the complaint on. In a previous incident of this type, it had transpired the dog was not a Bully XL which may be the case here. The clerk was instructed to prepare a list of contacts with whom members of the public could make direct and immediate contact to report any matter relating to public disorder or antisocial behaviour. This contact list to be posted on the noticeboards.
- The NEAS informed us that the defibrillator may have been used. Initially this was thought to be a false alarm, but it transpired that it was collected for use, but fortunately was not required. The councillors hope the person involved has now fully recovered.
- M Hannaford reported that flooding on Neasham Road caused by inadequate drainage was causing traffic to drift into the centre of the road to avoid it which was dangerous as it was on a blind bend.
- G Crute reported that the meeting after next was April 2 and we need to confirm dates for the Annual Meeting, Annual Assembly and also preparation of the Annual Report. G Crute also indicated that he would not be able to attend the meeting on 7 May.
Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 5 March 2024. The meeting concluded at 7.50pm.
Minutes signed on 5 March 2024 by K Sandick