5 July 2022
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5 July 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
B Crossen, G Crute, P Dunn, M Hannaford, K Sandick, J Weighell.
J Grainger, E Miller, C Chou, L Tostevin.
22/035- WELCOME
K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from J Grainger (Holiday).
There were no declarations of Interest
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 June 2022 and the Special Meeting held on the 28 June 2022 were confirmed as a correct record.
It was confirmed that the apology for absence by J Grainger, because of holiday, had been submitted, but unfortunately had been diverted into the “spam” box. The apology has now been recorded as accepted.
J Weighell reported that no meeting was held in June and the position was uncertain going forward and he would clarify the position at the next parish council meeting. Post Meeting Note: next meeting set as 20/07/22.
Nothing to report.
- A village green sign had been damaged by the Environment Agency and satisfactorily repaired.
- The footpath to rear of Fox and Hounds, slabs settled forming a trip hazard, notification sent. Also a paving slab near the fallen tree was badly damaged, J Weighell to inform the Agency and clerk to raise a defect.
- The Chair reported that it had not been possible to progress the wild seed trial area and his proposal to defer the work until September when it could be seeded was accepted, with plugs planted in spring.
- G Crute reported that the topsoil to the Shrubbery was in place and planting (delayed by drought) would take place the next day. G & L Conlin had agreed to water the area as part of their watering schedule for this season. B Crossen kindly offered them use of his hosepipe which would help in refilling the bowser.
- It was agreed that G Crute could obtain prices for refurbishing the King George V seat.
- It was agreed that a parishioner should carry out research on her suggestion that copies be made of the two Neasham “village in bloom” awards and endorsed with words such as “awarded under the Chairmanship of J Weighell” and permanently displayed on the green as a token of appreciation.
- The wildflower area to verge adjacent the bridge. G Crute had produced a plan showing ownership of the various parcels. Any project would involve consent from the owners, consideration of sustainability, types of flowers etc. In view of no firm proposals to consider, it was agreed it could be progressed informally.
- The Chair to discuss with a parishioner his email of suggestions for the village green.
22/043– PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:- None.
- Decisions received since last meeting:- None.
The Risk Management Report for 1Q 22, as issued, shows all 7 scheduled inspections in the quarter had been completed. Two defects had been raised, one of which was rectified. Two defects remain open. One further defect was raised at the meeting.
22/045 – FINANCE
- The period for the Exercise of Public Rights to Inspection of the accounts 2021/22 commenced 9 June.
- Previously approved payments made in June:- Marmax £348.00 (balance for Lectern), Green Frog £155.50 (Shrubbery plants), J T Atkinsons £624.00 (Topsoil), Clerk £457.15 (quarterly salary), HMRC £114.29 (PAYE). An emergency approval had been made to buy a bowser at a cost of £377.40 (inc VAT).
No new documents tabled.
- G Crute had sent an email 11 June formally thanking Margaret Enstone and Joe Bradford for their presentation at our Parish Assembly. The email also outlined many of the issues raised at the meeting.
- Following discussions at the Parish Assembly, it has been proposed to set up a working party to establish what actions Neasham PC can take in combating climate change. There had been some interest in re-cycling and biodiversity projects such as B2 and many people accepted something needs to done. Agricultural matters not really for parish councils. The overall feeling was that we are already doing as much as we can with re-cycling already being carried out, there is no opportunity to plant additional trees and the bus debate had been fully exhausted and it is doubtful that the bus service would continue after the trial because of poor take-up. The members agreed to a proposal by G Crute to adopt a watching brief and be ready to act should any new information arise.
- P Dunn suggested it may be useful to circulate information on recycling and disposal of batteries. The Chair agreed to raise the issue with L Tostevin to enquire if Darlington BC have any documentation that could be published.
No matters raised.
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (15/06), Chief Executive’s bulletins (10/06, 20/06, 27/06, 04/07). NALC email 07/06 advertising various online events. NALC email 14/06 regarding AGAR and Transparency Code amendments. NALC email 20/06 regarding Civility and Respect Project. NALC email 27/06 regarding Cleveland Police Communities Survey. No matters arising were raised by members.
- The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations had been very well attended and was very successful. A message had been sent to Gemma Murphy thanking her and the others involved in organising such an excellent event.
- Action Plan to improve communications with the parish. It was agreed that communications would be continue to be pursued via the website and notice boards. Although the parish council have a Facebook account that had been used to post announcements, it was agreed that this should not be used generally. It was also agreed that G Crute look into providing leaflet dispensers to be located at the notice boards. In addition it was resolved that there should be only one newsletter each year which should be available 3 months before the parish assembly to allow advance notice. One member (or other) would the focal point for collating and disseminating the information. No decision was made on the viability of a parish surgery.
- The informal gathering to recognise the outstanding service of 35 years by J Weighell, as Chair to the parish, was a huge success. It was well attended including the Mayor of Darlington and John was awarded the honorary title of Freeman of the Parish of Neasham. Flowers were presented to the Mayor and John’s wife. Many thanks to Geoffrey Crute for his hard work in organising the event and to all the others involved in making it such a successful evening.
- The Remembrance Ceremony was discussed and it was agreed that it be held on the Sunday at 1.00pm, not be exclusively religious, possibly with a child giving the reading. G Crute agreed to invite the same dignatories as last year. B Crossen and M Hannaford agreed to set up the sound system.
- J Weighell reported that he had resigned from representing the Darlington Association of Parish Councils at the quarterly Airport Management Committee. The Chair stated that because of other commitments he would also not be able the attend the Association meetings. M Hannaford agreed to consider the extent of involvement with a view to being the representative.
- M Hannaford queried the position of the missing dog waste bin, clerk to follow up with Darlington BC.
- G Crute reported that he had received a request from PJR Creative requesting permission to use the Roll of Honour plaque in their publicity documents. The members raised no objection.
Date of next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 6 September 2022. The meeting concluded at 8.15 pm.
John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council
Minutes signed on 6 September 2022 by K Sandick