5 December 2023

Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5 December 2023, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room


B Crossen, G Crute, J Grainger, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, J Weighell, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker


P Dunn

23/116 - WELCOME

K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from P Dunn (injury).


The Vice Chair declared an interest in the “Reaching out and Communications” item on the agenda.


The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 November 2023 were confirmed as a correct record.


There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.

23/120 – PACT REPORT

Nothing to report as the next meeting will be held at 6.00pm on 6 December in the Havelock Arms, Middleton SG.


  1. Because of other commitments that had been little progress on the recording the condition of the existing main roads running through the village, although J Grainger had made a preliminary inspection. It was agreed that each person involved, would carry out a detailed inspection in January 2024.
  2. The Vice Chair gave an update on a complaint from a parishioner regarding the condition of access tracks across the grass verge between the service road and Teesway. A letter had been sent to them on behalf of the Parish Council disputing that it has ownership of the verges and also stating that it has no legal obligation to maintain land it does not own. To date no response has been received. The Vice Chair confirmed that his current notes on ownership are to be filed with his previous investigation notes, which the clerk has carried out.


  1. J Weighell reported that, in November, the Environment Agency had removed the cross members to stile to footpath off Sockburn Lane. They had also agreed that the landowner could install a springed gate in that location, if he so wished.
  2. The EA had also carried out curtailment works in respect of current mole activity in flood bank. It was planned that they would carry out further works in January.
  3. J Weighell reported that the EA had cut back vegetation adjacent the sheet piling adjacent Kent Beck bridge for the first time in many years.


  1. It was reported that the outstanding works to the Memorial Garden and Millennium Gardens will be carried out in the spring.
  2. Over recent years general routine garden maintenance had been carried out by councillors and other volunteers. Unfortunately because of the passage of time, coupled with lack of new younger volunteers coming through, these duties were becoming more onerous, it was agreed to utilise the services of Pretty Gardens who would operate on an ad-hoc basis as required.


  1. The Remembrance Day Service had been very successful especially for a small village like Neasham and the Chair felt it could not be improved. The Vice Chair was also pleased with the way the event had gone and the members felt that all those involved should be congratulated. The collection box had raised £60 (which included a contribution at the meeting from Cllr Walters) which the clerk will forward to the RBL.
  2. The Chair reported on the progress of the arrangements for Christmas Carol Event for which he was liaising closely with the Reading Rooms.  The Christmas tree and illuminations had been installed at the Square and ready for the service for which song sheets were being prepared. A flyer had been produced and was ready to be distributed. The Chair requested members to attend in order to supervise because of an adjacent road. Santa’s Grotto will be set up in the Reading Rooms with Santa in attendance to hand out presents to the children. The Reading Rooms had agreed to provide the refreshments. Should the weather be miserable the service would be moved to the Reading Rooms.

23/125– PLANNING

  1. Applications received since last meeting:-
    23/00913/FUL 8 The Courtyard, Dinsdale Park – Demolition of porch and carport, alterations to garage to form annex and erection of new garage (APPROVED).
  2. Decisions received since last meeting: -
  3. 22/00875/FUL Dinsdale Park Golf Club application. The Vice Chair reported that he had sent an informal letter of complaint to Darlington BC regarding the process that resulted in approval of the application. No response has been received to date.
  4. L Tostevin stated that there was nothing to report on the Appeal against the enforcement notice for the siting of 4No mobile caravans and associated works at Skipbridge, Neasham Road.
  5. An email had been received from the Forestry Commission regarding a Felling Licence Consultation for the felling of ash trees affected by ash die back and restocking at various locations on the Neasham Estate. As a response was required by 22 December, the members were balloted by email and unanimously agreed approval of the project. The clerk was instructed to convey this approval back to the Forestry Commission.


  1. Scheduled inspections due in November were Christmas lights (pre-use), Electrics General Inspection due December. It was reported that all decorative lights were low voltage and therefore do not require PAT testing. Northumbrian Water had confirmed that they would carry out ant statutory testing on the junction box and it’s supply.
  2. B Crossen had raised the issue of erosion of sandstone to the walls of the pumphouse. It was agreed that J Weighell should ask a local stone mason, that he knew, for advice on remedial works and possible costings.
  3. The embankment pathway has soil and grass growing over into it creating a potential to build up eventually to form a trip hazard. It was agreed to leave raising the issue with the Environment Agency until spring when it would be clear what works were required.
  4. The Vice Chair reported that he had carried out the autumn inspection of the trees and no immediate works were required, Miss Trees could carry out all the maintenance work needed in spring. No maintenance had been required to the Leylandii hedge as it had been carried out by a third party.
  5. M Hannaford confirmed his acceptance of the Risk Management Overseer role and had received the documents which he had examined and appeared straight forward.  

23/127– FINANCE

  1. Previously approved payments made in November:- To date no payments have been made. However the Chair had made purchases on behalf of the parish council in respect the Christmas event amounting to £221.35 which were approved..
  2. The Local Government pay scales for 2023/24 have been published, which will apply to the clerk’s salary as agreed.
  3. The proposed budget for 2024/5 circulated to the members was approved and clerk instructed to inform Darlington BC of the requested precept of £10,470.
  4. The expenditure to date in respect of the Levelling Up Fund second grant was reviewed and it was agreed to defer the purchase of portable floodlighting until after testing their suitability using borrowed units.
  5. The monies from the Banks Community Fun for expenditure on the Christmas Event had been received and expenditure ongoing.


  1. The Chair reported that he was satisfied that progress was being made in communications, also the leaflet boxes were used and this could continue to grow. However, there was always room for improvement.
  2. It had been previously agreed that it was important that members posting on Facebook differentiate between their own personal postings and formal postings on behalf of the parish council, which has been implemented. The Vice Chair stated that we need to regularly post items of interest to build up a profile. The clerk agreed to forward the “signing on” details of the parish council Facebook page to three of the members to facilitate this.
  3. The volunteer, who has been heavily involved in liaising with AC Media in setting up the new website and other IT issues, wishes to scale back her activities, many thanks to her for all of her efforts. The clerk was instructed contact AC Media to discuss future involvement with them and the services provided in order to establish the increase in help required, also to agree a schedule as a basis of payment of these activities.


  1. L Tostevin that no formal bus stop signage was yet provided for the two circular routes to and from Hurworth.  Although the drivers had been instructed to provide a full service and they were picking up passengers from the stops involved, not dropping them off, because of the danger to pedestrians alighting there.
  2. P Walters reported that the issue of the illegal access onto Neasham Road has now been forwarded to the planning department. A gravel track approach been laid and although several vehicles including licenced taxis have been observed using the route, planning still require proof. They have, however, sent a letter to the person responsible for the unauthorised works with a deadline of two weeks for a response.


  1. Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (07/11, 18/10), Events (21/11), Local Authority Pay Scales 2023/24 (07/11). For information only.
  2. It was noted that an email had been received from North Yorkshire Council regarding Consultation in Draft Statement of Community Involvement (11/11). There was no comment from the members.
  3. The members had no comment on the Draft Recommendations issued by Darlington BC following the initial consultation period of their review of Polling Districts, Places and Stations.
  4. An email (17/1) from the RBL thanking Neasham PC for their involvement in their fundraising activities.


  1. An enquiry from the Durham Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office looking for parties concerned over anti-social behaviour and wishing to being involved in the Trailbazer ASB Action plan for the area was noted. It was suggested that, except for trespassers on farmland in the north, there was little such behaviour in the parish.
  2. It was reported that a parishioner had been looking to speak to the Chair regarding new rules on the rearing of chickens. Which state that they should have more living space, possibly requiring more building work to comply.
  3. In response to a query from M Hannaford, it was stated that the Fox and Hounds is unlikely to re-open this year.


Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 6 February 2024. The meeting concluded at 7.40pm.

Minutes signed on 6 February 2024 by K Sandick