4 June 2024
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4 June 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
B Crossen, P Dunn, M Hannaford, K Sandick, J Weighell, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker
G Crute, J Weighell, E Miller
24/033- WELCOME
K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from G Crute, (Holliday), J Weighell (Unwell).
There were no Declarations of Interest.
The minutes of the Annual and Ordinary Meetings held on 7 May 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.
- Following the resignation of J Grainger a vacancy for a parish councillor has arisen. This vacancy has been advertised on the Darlington BC and Neasham PC websites inviting parishioners to request an election. As no such request had been received by the required deadline, the parish can co-opt to fill the vacancy.
- A request had been submitted to Barclays to forward the necessary forms for completion by Neasham PC for the change of signatory. To date no forms have been received.
24/037 – PACT REPORT
A meeting had been held at Dinsdale Court on 23 May which had been poorly attended. The next meeting on 4 July at Hurworth Grange will probably be cancelled as it clashes with the General Election polling. The PCSO had booked the Neasham Reading Rooms for a meeting there on Thursday 29 August.
- The Contaminated “orange” water in the ditch to Neasham Road, samples taken had shown presence of ammonia, the source was uncertain but could have arisen from the use farming nitrates which had mixed with water. The likely cause of the discolouration was the clay lining to the old tip and it was noted that checks were still being made in adjoining fields on gas emissions also from the old tip.
- Buses to Hurworth, it is unlikely that additional paths will be constructed for permanent stops, the service being provided appears to be working well and is much appreciated by those Neasham parishioners using it.
- Repair work had been carried out at the entrance to New Lane and the road resurfaced as far as the gates to the private estate road.
- P Dunn reported that the flowers had been collected the previous day and planted up by herself and Paul over the two days. Many thanks to them both for their hard work in bringing colour to the village throughout the summer. It had been necessary to buy additional compost. P Dunn and G Conlin had agreed to divide the watering between themselves, with another resident watering tubs up Neasham Hill.
- On the issue of the warped boarding to the raised bed, it was stated that the boards were always liable to warp because of the material used which made them pliable when exposed to sunlight leaving them susceptible to side pressure. It was agreed to investigate the cost of replacing them with sleepers.
- P Dunn reported that the Memorial garden had been tidied up, but Pretty Gardens will be needed to carry out further work, including replacement of some plants, which would be needed on a regular basis. It was felt that a detailed plan was required of what types of plants should be planted next year, possibly taking advice from Mark Riddle.
- M Hannaford had previously removed stickers and signs related to the pandemic throughout the village, but had notice a 30mph sign that was concealed by a hanging branch.
- An acceptable quotation had been received for repair works to Pumphouse stonework, to be done when weather warmer. Clerk to raise a retrospective notice.
- A request from Neasham RR to hold a summer event on the green on Saturday 22 June 2024 was approved. Clerk to send a letter consenting to the activity.
- It was felt that the Sockburn noticeboard was beyond repair and a costing be prepared for it’s replacement. It was also noted that the board at Low Dinsdale was glazed with plastic which had discoloured, although this did not require immediate attention.
- One of the security posts to the access to the village green had been damaged and needs replacing (NOTE previous replacements had been obtained from Diane Laundy).
24/041– PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:- None.
- Decisions posted since last meeting: - None.
- A communication had been received from Middleton SG Parish Council setting out their view on a proposed diversion of a footpath in a field off Roman Way. Although Neasham PC are aware of the proposals, to date no formal approach has been made to Neasham PC and therefore no formal response made.
Planters - Inspection Record 96 now completed. Electrical supply for village green event (assumed supplied by Reading Rooms). No defects raised in May 2024.
24/043 – FINANCE
- Previously approved payments made in May:- P Dunn £48.53 Manure etc, RBLI £24.98 D-Day Flag, Hurworth Grange £15.22 Post mix, CLCA £109.27 Membership, Neasham Nurseries £376.20 Flowers, Neasham Nurseries £45.00 Additional compost.
- The dates for the 30 day period of the Exercise of Public Right to Inspection had been agreed as commencing on 10 June and has been advertised on the website.
- There had been an extremely disappointing turnout for the Parish Assembly, despite the best efforts of those involved. The Chair felt that there been ample publicity of the event with posters on the noticeboards, leaflet drop to all residents and postings on Facebook and the website. It was difficult to understand the apathy when people seem happy to accost him in the village but unwilling to attend the Assembly and discuss these matters openly. Unfortunately it is a legal requirement to hold the Assembly.
- Biodiversity Net Gain – Draft Response to Planning Applications. Circulated for information only.
- P Walters apologised for not attending the assembly due a back injury, but reported on the position on the retrospective application for access onto Neasham Road at Skipbridge, a busy road with fast moving traffic and which the sight lines of the new access are not good.
- The Vice Chair had previously raised the issue with Darlington BC as to why their local plan had not been circulated to parish council for consultation. L Tostevin has now raised this with the Leader of the Council who had stated that he will investigate the matter.
Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (23/05 x2), Newsletter (23/05 x2, 29/05), Events (23/05), New Publication (23/05), New Model Financial Regulations (23/05), Legal Bulletin (23/05). All listed for information only.
No other village matters were raised.
Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 2 July 2024. The meeting concluded at 7.15pm.
Minutes signed on 2 July 2024 by K Sandick