4 July 2023
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4 July 2023, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
B Crossen, P Dunn, J Grainger, G Crute, M Hannaford, K Sandick, J Weighell, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker
E Miller
23/051 - WELCOME
K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from E Miller (Working).
There were no Declarations of Interest.
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 6 June 2023 were confirmed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.
23/055 – PACT REPORT
No notification had been received regarding the meeting that was scheduled to be held in June at Hurworth and it is assumed that it had not been held.
- The Chair had informed the resident at 38 Teesway of Darlington BC’s refusal to carry out further repairs to the sunk trench surface causing damage to his property as the depth of the sinking was considerably less than the minimum of 40mm they require before actioning any repairs. The Chair also advised the owner that he needs to pursue the matter directly with the Highways Department, but no response received to date.
- Following a suggestion by a parishioner that “speed bumps” should be installed in a side street in Neasham, the clerk had written to Darlington BC to enquire what their criteria was when considering such an installation. A response had been received and the information forwarded to the parishioner but no response received to date.
There were no matters to report on.
- The Vice Chair reported that the contractor had now laid the bark to the Memorial Garden which was a big improvement. It was also reported that the including installation of baffle to lectern and repairs to raised bed retaining board were still outstanding. A proposal by the Chair that these works be deferred until the autumn when the flowering season was finished. The Vice Chair reminded the meeting that the baffle to the lectern needed to be installed prior to the Remembrance service in November.
- A proposal by the Chair to defer the chemical spraying and power washing of stone and concrete in the Kent Bridge area until the back end of the year or next spring was agreed, when it was confirmed that neighbouring occupiers were in agreement with this.
- Two new noticeboards had been ordered as replacement of two existing boards. The one at Dinsdale Park was excellent, however there were reservations over the one installed at the Village Green. Members expressed concern at the design and quality to the support stays to the upward opening door which may lead to Health and Safety issues in the future. The clerk was instructed to write to the supplier requesting documentation that confirms there are no Health and Safety issues and if this was not forthcoming request an alternative stay arrangement that was fit for purpose. The board removed from Dinsdale Park had been refurbished and installed as a replacement for the one at Low Dinsdale church and was considered to suit it’s surroundings.
23/059– PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:- None.
- Decisions received since last meeting: - None.
- L Tostevin reported that the planning application by Dinsdale Golf Club was on the Planning Committee agenda for the 12 July and anyone interested was welcome to attend. The Vice Chair stated that he may be able to attend and queried as to whether we would be pursuing it further from the parish council’s perspective or leaving to individual objections. There was no resolution to re-state our objections and therefore we would be relying on our previously submitted objection.
- Scheduled inspections carried out in June:- Duck Derby inspect electrics (Post Use), General inspection of electrics, Old Pumphouse.
- All defect notices have been closed. Defects relating public roads have previously been referred to Darlington BC with no further action by Neasham PC.
- Copy of Risk Management Report 1Q 2023/4 had been circulated.
- It was resolved that a new procedure for carrying out the inspections be adopted. On site inspections (except trees and planters) would be carried out by the Chair and B Crossen with any defects relayed back to J Weighell to compile the record sheets to forward to the clerk to enter in the records. A revised edition of Inspection Schedule 5.7 Village Green etc has been prepared by the Vice Chair which now includes the Pump House together with a requirement to inspect for “slips and trips” hazards.
- The Vice Chair tabled for approval an updated version of the Village Green Public Safety Risk Assessment (as circulated) setting out minor amendments and clarifications in respect of fire risk, defibrillator and trees in Kent Beck. The amendments were approved.
23/061 – FINANCE
- Previously approved payments made in June:- Eden Landscapes £60.00 (Fix noticeboard and seat), Eden Landscapes £100.00 (Fix Village Green noticeboard), Clerk £15.70 (Stamps and paper), Clerk £504.00 (Salary), HMRC £126,00 (PAYE), Pretty Gardens £105.00 (Bark to Millennium garden), J Weighell £69.11 (Site expenditure).
- The Clerk’s salary for 2023/4 increases by one point to Spine Point 11 as previously agreed.
- The Finance Report 1Q 2023/24 has been circulated.
- Insurance is due for renewal 20 September 2023, clerk currently preparing to obtain 3 quotations. Proposed to obtain quotations from A J Gallagher, Zurich Municipal and BHIB Councils Insurance. Zurich had already submitted an un-requested price of £264, subject the Neasham being able to conform to certain conditions they have assumed, as yet undefined but which will inevitably increase their premium.
It was reported that the recent leaflet distributions had not been very successful and it was claimed that some had been missed and it was agreed that a clearer definition of the drop areas would be beneficial for future deliveries. The members agreed that a more effective approach would be the increased use of Facebook, commencing with and a push to get more villagers signed up to it. It was agreed that any items that the council wished to publicise should be in the form of a simple bullet point(s) and forwarded to John Weighell for posting. It was also agreed to approach the administrator of the Neasham Villagers Facebook page and offer the services of a volunteer to act as a joint administrator, which would assist continuation of the site should any administrator wish to retire.
- P Walters reported that an agreement had been reached that the No 12 bus service (among others) would continue. There would be a review in September, but this would not necessarily be a full review which requires 3 months prior notice. L Tostevin reported that Teesflex Bus has not been a great success and would be subject to a review in 9 months.
- L Tostevin reported that a planning application is anticipated for an extremely large wind farm located on the boundary between Neasham and Hurworth, with access from the A66.
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (07/06, 14/06, 21/06), Chief Executive’s Bulletin (08/06), Request for Assistance in Planning Case Study (15/06). There were no matters raised by members.
- The Vice Chair reported that a Site Accessibility Report had been received from AC Sound and Media which identified (in addition matters raised in previous assessments) minor anomalies and inconsistences on our documentation that have minimal affect. It was resolved that further expenditure in the technical improvement of these matters would cause a disproportionate burden on the council’s finances (as report circulated). It was further resolved that these minor issues should be incorporated into the specification for future major revision of the website
- The Vice Chair raised the issue of Paul Howell wishing to meet with the parish council. In view of the difficulties in trying to agree an acceptable date over the past 18 months, it was agreed to invite him to the Remembrance and Carol Services.
- It was agreed that the Reading Rooms Duck Club Derby had been a tremendous success and all involved should be congratulated.
- The Chair agreed to collect the electronic copy of the documents prepared by the late M Townsend, from the parishioner currently holding them.
- The Vice Chair raised the issue of the Remembrance Sunday service. It was agreed that the start time could be brought forward to 12.45pm. It was also agreed to explore the possibility of inclusion in the proceedings of children and former military personnel. The role of dignatories will be decided by availability.
Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 5 September 2023. The meeting concluded at 7.50 pm.
Minutes signed on 5 September 2023 by K Sandick