3 September 2024

Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room


G Crute, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, J Weighell, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker


B Crossen, P Dunn

24/065- WELCOME

K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from B Crossen (holiday), P Dunn (holiday).


There were no Declarations of Interest.


The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 2 July 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


The issue of the vacancy for a council was raised. Although it is disappointing that the vacancy has not been filled, there is no option but to continue to make enquiries with any potential candidates.

24/069 – PACT REPORT

The first PACT meeting to be held in Neasham for a while had been in the Neasham Reading Room on 29 August. There had been a reasonable turn out with residents from all three parishes attending. There was also a strong contingent from the local policing team who gave an interesting insight on their strategy in tackling the issue of antisocial behaviour.


P Walters had received a report regarding the contaminated water in the roadside ditch adjacent the former tip on Neasham Road. The report stated that there had been a significant improvement in the quality of the water in ditch and consequently they were closing the case. However they will still be writing to the land owner to advise him that it his responsibility to make good any damage that had occurred on his land.


  1. A parishioner had informed the parish council of a loose post to the embankment east steps and it was agreed he could make a temporary emergency repair. The Agency were informed who then inspected the works and agreed that they would carry out permanent repairs at a later date in conjunction with other works.
  2. M Hannaford reported that he had noted cracks in the floodbank in the location of the old steps and he would provide photographs to forward to the agency. (Post meeting note: photographs provided and forwarded to the agency whom had acknowledged receipt)


  1. The Village Green Redevelopment proposals submitted by P and P Dunn had already been agreed in principle. Maintenance and improvements to Memorial Garden and adjacent area as proposed was formally agreed. A query by G Crute was clarified in that the revised layout of paving areas was using existing pavings.  The indicative costings for these proposals of a) £150-200 for alteration works and b) purchase of plants at a cost of £500 were approved as an overall budget for works, which are to be carried out late September/early October.
  2. The missing traffic barrier post which had been thrown into the river has been replaced. Thank you P Dunn.
  3. A family of travellers on a slow return journey from Appleby Fair had encamped on the Village Green. Despite the adverse publicity travellers receive nationally, this family treated the green with respect and had cleared all rubbish on their departure. G Crute reported that he had tried previously attempted to update the by-laws but had been thwarted by lack of original documentation and a general lack of support from central government on this issue.
  4. Cestrian have not responded to our enquiry to order a new noticeboard at Low Dinsdale, alternative suppliers to be considered (See Finance).
  5. It was agreed that the Sockburn noticeboard is superfluous to requirements and the members resolved that it should be removed.

24/073 – PLANNING

  1. Applications received since last meeting:-
    24/00438/FUL – External alterations including re-roofing, new rooflights, new external doors and windows together with various external works to the Barns at Manor Farm. Low Dinsdale, Neasham, Darlington DL2 1PN. (APPROVED -Subject to all reasonable precautions being taken to protect the general public and residents).
    24/00721/TF – Various works to trees under Tree Preservation Oder as arborist’s report at Dinsdale Park, Middleton St George DL2 1UB. (APPROVED).
  2. Decisions posted since last meeting: -


  1. Scheduled Inspections due in July/August:- None. Village Green and Trees Inspections due in September.
  2. One defect raised and closed on 15 July for emergency work for loose post at embankment east steps. This was subsequently inspected by the Environment Agency who had agreed to carry out more permanent repairs at a later date.

24/075 – FINANCE

  1. Previously approved payments made in July/August:- AC Media £105.60 (Website hosting and Domain Registration), Pretty Gardens £75.00 (Clear Memorial Garden), Neasham Reading Room £100.00 (Room hire 2024).
  2. A verbal quotation of £140.00 from Miss Trees for tidying up the leylandii around the pumphouse was accepted by the members.
  3. Approval of quotation for Low Dinsdale noticeboard is required. Three quotations had been received (all with side hung doors and exc VAT) 1) Greenbarnes (Recycled plastic) £1611.26, 2) Noticeboard Warehouse (Recycled plastic) £1685.00, 3) Noticeboard Company (Traditional 30 Painted aluminium) £1273.00 (alternative Breeze specification available). NOTE: further minor extra items totalling approximately £50 for additional keys and magnetic pins to be added. The members were in agreement to proceed with quotation from the Noticeboard Company, subject to a check on site of the dimensions of available space.
  4. Change of mandate for authorised signatories to Barclay’s bank account is ongoing, but it is anticipated this will be complete this week.
  5. NS&I require specific reference in the minute for any change in signatories to the account. Members agreed to remove Jannette Grainger and include K Sandick as signatories.


  1. The Vice Chair outlined his initial plans for the Remembrance Day service in November. He was proposing inviting the same dignatories as previous years for the three readings (allowing for change of MP) but accepted they may have prior arrangements. He would also like to find locals (or have relatives) who could reflect on events with connections to Neasham in the two world wars. It was agreed to approach a relative of the Chair whom may assist. The Vice Chair’s proposals were agreed including his intended publicity on the noticeboards and Facebook.
  2. L Tostevin confirmed that there were no grants available this year for events such as the successful Christmas event held last year in conjunction with the Reading Room. As the Reading Room committee were keen to repeat the event, the Chair was authorised to offer £500 contribution towards it when he attends their forthcoming AGM.


  1. L Tostevin reported that the Hurworth Country fair would be held this weekend and ward councillors would be in attendance.
  2. L Tostevin also reported that the Hurworth Concert Band would be performing in the Darlington Town Square this weekend.
  3. P Walters reported that the planning application for the unauthorised access onto Neasham Road had been refused and L Tostevin also reported that they had up to 21 September to comply with this, together with an existing enforcement notice, unless an appeal was lodged.


Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (11/07, 18/07, 25/07, 1/08, 15/08), Newsletter (08/08), Events (16/07, 13/08, 13/09), Analysis of Parish Council Precepts (12/08), Hardwick in Partnership (26/07) Availability of Free Trees. All listed for information only.


  1. A query was raised on the wording for apologies for absence recorded in the minutes. It was explained that this was built into the template of the website, although the complainant was not in agreement with the wording, he accepted that it was no longer an issue,
  2. The Chair reported that the Neasham and Hurworth Burial Board had granted to a parishioner for his ashes to be spread next to his brother in the church burial ground.
  3. M Hannaford complimented the bus operator for installing a bus timetable on the bus route passing Neasham which was a positive action.
  4. E Miller reported that the closure on Roundhill was causing severe traffic congestion in the area.
  5. G Crute informed the meeting that he had been invited to take on the administration of the Neasham PC Facebook page which he was reluctant to accept at the moment due to current other commitments.
  6. L Tostevin reported that the footpath crossing the railway at Middleton St George had been closed by British Rail without advising Darlington BC and therefore will be re-opened.


Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 1 October 2024.  The meeting concluded at 7.41pm.

Minutes signed on 1 October 2024 by K Sandick