3 December 2024

Draft minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3 December 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room


B Crossen, P Dunn, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker


G Crute


24/114 - WELCOME

K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from G Crute (Unwell).


M Hannaford declared a non-percuniary Interest in the co-option to the parish council of the parishioner attending the meeting.


The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 5 November 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


  1. The Chair introduced the parishioner who was interested in the vacancy on the council and invited her to stay as long as she wished.
  2. The deadline of Monday 18 November for the submission of a request for an election to be held to fill the second vacancy has passed without any applications being made. Darlington BC have now confirmed that this can now be filled by co-option.


L Tostevin confirmed that there had been few matters of interest to Neasham discussed at the recent PACT meeting held at Middleton St George. E Miller reported that he had attended a meeting addressed by a representative from the NFU who had suggested that manufacturers were reluctant assist to farmers in security measures for their vehicles as they benefitted by selling new replacement vehicles for those stolen. He had also suggested that the best way receive a police response to criminal activity was to ring 999 and not 101.


  1. Re-instating road markings along the road from Dinsdale Park junction to Middleton St George had not been carried out yet. It was also reported that two new road signs had been installed on the road from Skipbridge towards Neasham but were dangerously located, one had already been damaged. In addition there some deep potholes/drops at the road edge in places. P Walters stated that Highways had a page on their website with a simple to use link for reporting issues and which he would forward to the clerk.
  2. Vegetation was badly overgrowing the footpath to the floodbank causing a trip hazard in places. As the Environment Agency had other priorities on their resources, Cllrs Crossen and Hannaford volunteered to clear it and so far have carried out an excellent job. It is hoped that other residents will also become involved in the clearance.


The Agency have not yet commenced the tree maintenance which was anticipated. It was reported that there is a bad infestation of moles in the floodbank, the clerk to inform with the Agency so that they are aware it.


  1. The Chair stated that the Memorial Garden looked very tidy and complemented those involved, also that the Christmas lights were now in place. P Dunn reported that the removal of the top board to the rear of the raised bed has solved the problem of the distortion and that pansies and daffodil bulbs had been planted around the edge which would make nice display in spring. It was planned to plant a wisteria to grow up nearby the tree stump. L Tostevin felt that the re-arranged “Square” layout was a great improvement.
  2. The Chair reported that the old noticeboard at Low Dinsdale had been removed and a new lockable one installed. The Chair will provide the church warden with a key for access; however the Vice Chair had requested that at a future meeting we consider a policy to clearly define which postings are not acceptable. The Chair also confirmed that the Sockburn noticeboard had been removed.
  3. The Chair has now been named as the primary contact on both the floatation and defibrillator devices.
  4. The Chair had received a request from the Low Dinsdale Church Warden for the provision of a “dog waste” bin nearby. Most dog owners act responsibly, but crows are attracted to the bags. Clerk to contact Highways.
  5. M Hannaford queried as to whether we would be keeping the “ford” open for use. It was agreed to place this on the agenda for the February meeting.

24/122 – PLANNING

  1. Applications received since last meeting:-
  2. Decisions posted since last meeting:-
  3. Application 24/00928/FUL for works to the Old Rectory at Low Dinsdale had been sent to the old official address and was not received in time for Neasham PC to respond by the deadline. Darlington BC apologised and offered a short extension. The outline drawings were circulated to the members for comment, although no specific comments had been raised it was considered that the proposed alterations would not have a detrimental affect on the church and that the church itself would raise any objections if needed.


  1. Scheduled Inspections due in November:- September tree inspections had not been completed due to illness of the Vice Chair, who had forwarded a short written report of outstanding tasks. It was agreed to defer signing off the inspection until after the Vice Chair has recovered fully. Revised arrangements for the Village Green inspection, with rolling inspections throughout the period by Councillors Crossen and Hannaford and Xmas lighting (Pre-use) visual inspection were both signed off. Clarification being sort on the status of the power supply to the garden area.
  2. One defects notice raised for overgrown vegetation to the flood bank path, remedial work is ongoing.

24/124 – FINANCE

  1. Previously approved payments made in November:- Eden Landscapes £112.00 (Install one and remove two existing noticeboards)
  2. Change of mandate to add M Hannaford as authorised signatory to Barclay’s bank account, revised application form received and completed. Problem with the App for confirmation of identity delaying submission of form.
  3. NS&I application form to add K Sandick and M Hannaford as authorised signatories submitted to NS&I.
  4. The draft budget for 2025/6 was agreed in principle and the precept request of was confirmed at £11,000 (a 5% rise on the previous year). It was agreed that any expenditure in excess of the amounts set out the budget for J Weighell Memorial and Computer hardware would be financed from the general reserves.


The clerk reported that informing Neasham Parish Council contacts of the change of official address and other details including website was ongoing. Darlington BC had apologised for the delay in amending the contact details on their system and had confirmed that their records are now up to date.


  1. The Chair reported that the Remembrance Day service on 10 November had gone very well and praised the Vice Chair for his hard work in making it so successful. The sound system used had worked well. The Clerk had been instructed to write a letter of thanks, on behalf the Vice Chair, to each of the dignitaries, all of whom had responded positively. A collection had raised £63 which has been handed to the Clerk to forward to RBL.
  2. The Chair reported that he had a meeting with the Reading Room committee and discussed the arrangements for the Christmas event, which would be similar to last year. It was also reported that because of the space available, numbers attending would be limited and there therefore the Committee were being careful how they advertised it.


  1. P Walters reported that the illegal access onto Neasham Road at Skipbridge had been rejected by Darlington BC largely because of poor sight lines and the landowners instructed to reinstate the tarmac and the hedges which had been removed. An appeal has been lodged which possibly will be heard in January and it was suggested that comments in support of Darlington BC would be beneficial. It was pointed out that a farmer further along the road had tried to improve dangerous bends by moving the hedge 2m away the road, but had been instructed to reinstate the original hedge.
  2. L Tostevin stated that the new DBS checks were not mandatory for parish councils, but if Neasham PC wanted to have the checks done voluntary there would be a cost of £18 per person.
  3. The Darlington Borough Council - Council Plan 2024/27 had been issued without any prior consultation with parish councils. This resulted in Neasham PC considering submitting a letter of complaint. However in view of the fact that plan had been issued, any complaint would not affect the content and also the fact that it was now some while since it was issued, it was resolved to take no further action on the issue.


  1. Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (07/11, 14/11), NALC Events (05/11, 07/11, 14/11, 21/11, 26/11).
  2. Email from RECCC (20/11) – cyber Monthly Threat Update.


  1. It was reported that the Hurworth fish and chip shop would be closing and replaced by a delicatessen.
  2. The parishioner in attendance at the meeting accepted an invitation to join the council and the clerk would forward the papers prior to the next meeting.


Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 4 February 2025.  The meeting concluded at 7.40pm.