1 November 2022
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 1 November 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
G Crute, P Dunn, J Grainger, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, J Weighell, L Tostevin
B Crossen, C Chou
22/086 – WELCOME
K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from B Crossen (ill).
There were no Declarations of Interest
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 4 October 2022 were confirmed as a correct record.
- Leaflet boxes now delivered, two are fixed with remainder to be fixed when details of new boards available. Factory manufactured boards were rejected as being too small and it was agreed to obtain a quotation from M Blundell for 2No notice boards of the same size as the village green board. It was agreed in principle that the cost of these items, to the maximum £1000, be funded from the C Chou grant.
- B Crossen is carrying out a good job on the refurbishment of the George V seat and there appears no need to employ a specialist contractor. The frame had been wire brushed and surface satisfactory for painting. One metal strip was found to be broken, which J Weighell agreed to repair. Paint for both the frame and seating had been purchased. Painting other seating in the area is being considered.
- The Vice Chair stated that he had not received a response from L Swinhoe on the ownership of the bench at Low Dinsdale which is to be expected, as there is a lot of history on the ownership to be examined.
No meeting had been held.
- A suggestion that panels should be fixed to the sides of the recently repaired bridge on the bridleway off New Lane, for the safety of children, had been forwarded to Darlington BC. Darlington BC rejected this in their email of 17 October which set out their reasoning. It was resolved not to pursue the matter further.
- A complaint from a parishioner stating that the closed “private gates” in New Lane are causing vehicles to use private drives to turn round. This had been referred to Darlington BC’s Right of Way Officer who advised that the complaint should be made via the Highways “Report It” system. The complainant agreed to follow this up as it was not within Neasham PC’s jurisdiction.
- A parishioner had repaired the fence to the rear of 34 Teesway which was damaged by the falling tree. All other defects involving the Agency remain open.
- A new gate in hedge to rear of 32 Teesway. The owner assured that the Chair that this was only for access to maintain his fence and not to the adjacent flood embankment and the matter was closed.
- The Vice Chair out outlined the proposal for two plaques, one fixed to replica Roll of Honour, second located in Memorial Garden. In view of recent events, a single plaque would no longer work and these two would be relatively small and explain the reason for being there. It also hoped that the plaque to the George V plaque could be refurbished. The proposal was approved.
- Recently it has become apparent that the Millennium Garden is in need of attention. Two shrubs have been removed, the ivy sprayed and in addition two volunteers had weeded the area, which was much appreciated, but other works need to be deferred until spring. The Vice Chair stated that Miss Trees had been to site and there were two separate pairs of trees that needed cutting back to give space to grow. Miss Trees has submitted a quotation of £180 for the work to be done in November, which includes trimming back the leylandii hedge. It was agreed to accept the quotation.
- It was agreed to defer the planting of 2No apple trees (to replace the diseased tree) until spring.
- Maintenance of the Millennium Garden/Shrubbery area. As two councillors had volunteered to clean the seating and two parishioners to do the weeding (thanks to all), there is no need for a contractor.
- Clerk had written to Darlington BC highways department regarding the hornbeam tree overgrowing a lamp standard, response still awaited.
22/094– PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting:
- Application 22/0107 I/FUL - Demolition of existing barn and erection of a new barn - Manor Farm, Low Dinsdale, DL2 1PN. Date for return of response extended to 4 November. (APPROVED).
- Application 22/01104/FUL – Various works – 7 Teesway, Neasham, DL2 1QP. (APPROVED).
- Decisions received since last meeting: -
None. - A response of “no comment”, on the grounds of insufficient information, was submitted in respect of the Dinsdale Golf Club planning application 22/00875/FUL. The Vice Chair has now carried out a full review of the documentation and feels that a further objection should be submitted based on several issues including the motive for the works, the affect the works could have on biodiversity, also methods of construction, details of materials used and other matters. The Vice Chair agreed to provide the clerk with an edited version of his previous notes as the grounds for objection to submit to Darlington BC.
- L Tostevin reported that the appeal against the refusal on Application 20/00889/FUL traveller site opposite Sovereign House will be held 15 November and encouraged parishioners to attend.
- Scheduled inspection due in October was the planters (or when planters emptied). P Dunn reported that the flowering season of the tubs has been extended because of the weather and will file a report when emptied. It was agreed that pansies could be purchased for planting at the boundary stones.
- 4No defects carried forward from previous month. 1No new defect raised in respect of signage at Dibdale Road/Neasham Hill junction. The Chair stated that the road markings had disappeared, the sign was hidden in ivy and gravel washed down made the junction appear to be bend in the road and was very dangerous. Darlington BC Highways have been informed, response awaited. L Tostevin will follow up.
- The Vice Chair felt that it was an unfair burden on J Weighell to carry out the majority of inspections. It was agreed that the Vice Chair provide a simplified list of the items for inspection for the members who could then report any issue back to J Weighell.
- The Vice Chair reported that Risk Assessment of possible cyber-attack had been deferred until December.
22/096 – FINANCE
- Previously approved payments made in October: - Royal British Legion £50 (Wreath), Eden Landscapes £50 (Removal of trees), Fox and Hounds £50 (Thank You voucher).
- It was suggested that sums of monies should be included in the 2023/4 budget for extending the paving to the Square and Carol service.
- A budget of £200 was approved in respect of the carol service in December 2022.
It was reported, that due to IT issues, production of definitive copies of Policies and Procedures Documents has been delayed and it is now anticipated they will be available in December, although this date is not critical.
The Vice Chair had written to Luke Swinhoe suggesting a discussion on ways of stimulating local action on the climate change issue and also inform him on Neasham PC’s contact with M Enstone. The Vice Chair commented on a NALC newsletter encouraging to become more involved in the issue. However he felt there was a large gap in what could be achieved by local councils and larger councils nationally and there should be some guidance in bridging this gap.
Volunteer still required to research and gather information for communication to the parish. It was agreed to place a notice on the notice boards requesting a volunteer to undertake this work. It was also agreed to regularly post a notice setting out bullet points on events in the parish. The Chair to provide the initial notice.
It was reported that the road from Neasham to Low Dinsdale is again in a bad state of repair and needs regular maintenance work, a more permanent solution would be extensive drainage works although this is unlikely to happen. L Tostevin agreed to report the matter back to Darlington BC Highways.
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (07/09, 21/09). Chief Executive’s bulletins (10/10, 17/10, 24/10, 31/10). NALC events (11/10, 19/10). No matters arising were raised by members.
- The Vice Chair reported that arrangements for the Remembrance Ceremony to be held on Sunday 13 November were well in hand. The dignatories would be the same as the previous year but would not be individually named on the programme in case of last minute substitutions. B Wrightson and his daughter will be in attendance. A Burgess, whose grandfather had been misnamed on the original, had agreed to lead the dedication of the replica honours board. It was decided that the retirement collection would be exclusively for the Royal British Legion. An Order of Proceedings in A5 format would be handed out the attendees. Notices advertising the event will be on the noticeboards, in addition the Chair agreed to arrange a temporary notice in the pumphouse.
- The Chair reported that arrangements for the Neasham Christmas Carol Service to be held on 12 December were well in hand.
- The Clerk has written a letter of complaint to the Circuit regarding the ongoing receipt of notifications for a recall of the defibrillator which had been forwarded to Wel Medical. No response received to date.
- The CLCA annual meeting was held on 25 October, but due to the short notice no-one was able to attend. A volunteer required to be the nominated representative at next year’s meeting.
- The Clerk had written to Darlington APC nominating a Neasham councillor willing to represent the organisation at the Airport Management Committee meetings. No response to date.
- It was reported that west end speed sign appeared not to be working. As it was no longer under guarantee, the clerk was instructed to write to the supplier and request they attend site and establish what is needed to repair the unit and a provide an estimate for the remedial work.
- The Chair stated that a set of Christmas lights for the blue spruce was needed, approval was granted.
Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 6 December 2022. The meeting concluded at 8.15pm.
John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council
Minutes signed on 6 December 2022 by K Sandick