1 February 2022
Minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 1 February 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room
John Weighell (Chair), G Crute, P Dunn, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, J Walker (Clerk)
J Grainger, C Chou (Ward Councillor) L Tostevin (Ward Councillor)
21/133- WELCOME
J Weighell welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from C Chou (Borough Council Meeting), L Tostevin (Borough Council Meeting).
There were no Declarations of Interest.
- The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 December 2021 were confirmed as a correct record.
- The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting (to which the press and public were excluded) held on 7 December 2021 were confirmed as a correct record.
The members agreed unanimously to co-opt Bernard Crossen to fill the vacancy on the parish council. The clerk was instructed to invite Mr Crossen to the next parish council meeting on the 1 March and also forward him copies of the documentation that he will be require to complete.
21/137 – PACT REPORT
As there was still no suitable building available, no meetings were held in December and January.
Update on the Issue of the public right of way across the New Lane development. Additional signage had been installed by Darlington BC on the approach and K Sandick reported that it was generally felt by walkers and others that this had clarified the position on the right of way. Members concurred. G Crute stated that he would be contacting the Borough Council to enquire if the situation had been formalised in any way since their report to us in November 2021, or whether they were content to rely on the verbal assurances that had been given. We could then consider at our March meeting whether the resolutions passed on 5 October 2021 but not yet implemented required any further action.
Fallen tree. The Chair reported that he had contacted the owners of the property from which the conifer tree had blown over and blocking the Teesdale Way footpath and explained that the initial access was delayed because the area was deemed unsafe, due to flood warnings. The tree has now been cut up and access to footpath restored and the logs will be removed later this week. The Environment Agency have agreed to re-instate damaged fencing.
- The verge on the leg approaching the New Lane development gates is overgrown and the Chair will request that Darlington BC resume their cutting regime to that area, which had been suspended during construction works.
- There was a shortage of lights for the Christmas tree this year and lights from the shrubbery utilised. It was felt that shrubbery needed to decorated again in future years and provisional approval agreed to the purchase more lights later in the year. K Sandick apologised for the slight delay in taking down last year’s display due to work commitments.
- Trees made available by Darlington BC to parish councils for planting in agreed areas of the parish. Proposed site inspection by Darlington BC still awaited. The clerk was instructed to ask L Tostevin to follow up on behalf of Neasham PC.
- The Circuit had reported that someone had been sent to collect the defibrillator on 7 January and it was recorded as unavailable. Liz Conlin had checked the following day and all was in order, Circuit informed and the unit is now available for use.
21/141– PLANNING
- Applications received since last meeting: -
None. - Decisions received since last meeting:-
None - The Chair reported that he understood from the builder that the proposed development of the “Dobinsons Field” at the east end of the village for two detached houses was almost ready for submission to the Planning, with just a tree survey outstanding.
- E Miller reported that he had been informed that his application in respect of Skipbridge and Neasham Springs Farms had gone through with some conditions and that his architect had indicated there were minor queries that needed to be addressed.
- One scheduled Inspection was carried out in January, the Christmas tree light post-use.
- A retrospective defect notice was raised in December in respect of the underground cable to the Millennium Garden spotlights, which have now been cut off and isolated and the defect closed. All defects are now closed as set out the quarterly Risk Management report
21/143 – FINANCE
- The balance in the current account stood at £6870.47 as at 17 January 2022 with three cheques in the total of £134.45 unpresented.
- To confirm payment for the use of the Reading Rooms for parish council meeting in the reduced annual sum of £80.
- To confirm previously approved payments made in December and January of £9.06 (postage stamps), £429.84 (Clerk salary), £110.00 (PAYE), £50.00 (Councillor printing costs), £61.95 (Toolstation) fencing pins and tape.
- To confirm approval to purchase a batch of re-usable face mask in the sum of £22.50 for use at parish council meetings.
- G Crute raised the issue of how to procure the proposed shrubbery area works. Although the works are estimated to be less than £3k, which would require three estimates to be obtained, the Standing Orders allow for an exemption to the tendering process in special circumstances. As these works include a large proportion of single source suppliers that have no alternative for comparison, G Crute proposed that he would draw up a formal proposal on the lines suggested, for approval by the members at the March meeting. This approach was agreed.
- Finance Report to 31 December 2021 as circulated.
- Darlington BC have confirmed receipt of our Precept request for 2022/23 which will be paid in April.
- GC had approached the Reading Rooms with regards to them making a contribution towards the cost of the lectern and honours board and had received no adverse comments from them. No further approach will be made until we have accurate costs.
- GC stated that an extra £20 had been raised for the RBL poppy appeal, the final total is £175.15.
- Revised Code of Conduct prepared by Darlington BC who have informed us that it will be adopted by them from 1 January 2022. G Crute had corresponded with Luke Swinhoe who had agreed in principle to proposed alterations to the layout presentation in order that the document could be accommodated in the Neasham PC website. G Crute gave a brief outline of his proposal and that as soon as he received a formal approval from Luke Swinhoe he will then proceed as intended. Luke Swinhoe had earlier offered alternative dates for training on the revised Code, should it be required by any of the parishes.
- G Crute is currently reviewing the GDPR documentation including Privacy Notices all as set out in his report, a copy of which has been circulated. G Crute stated that we need to have a more formal approach to third party contacts and that currently Neasham would not be compliant in several areas for signing off the AGAR. Documents will be circulated as available for approval, which needs to be given at the March meeting.
- G Crute is currently reviewing the Asset Register documentation and stated that we need to accommodate the different approach to the valuation of assets between the Local Authority rules and the normally accepted rules. The revised Asset Register will have categories of assets that are synchronised with the insurance schedule.
No ward councillor matters were raised.
- Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (15/12, 12/1, 19/1), Chief Executive’s bulletins (13/12, 17/12, 17/1), NALC Chair letter (20/1), Online Events (21/12), OFFCOM Consultation (11/1), NALC Queen’s Jubilee Information (11/1). All as circulated in December and January and any matters raised by the members are set out below.
- NALC email 08/12/22 G Crute questioned whether there was any merit in enrolling with Breakthrough Communications, whose aim was to help parish councils with communications. M Hannaford stated that he had experience with similar companies which involved a providing a new website. As this was not something of interest to the parish council the clerk was instructed to contact the company on the service they offered and the cost implications.
- The introductory note on Climate Change proposals prepared by G Crute had been circulated to the members. G Crute raised the question as to whether we were to proceed with the information events as he needed to know in order to organise speakers. A discussion followed on how the Parish Council inform parishioners as to what it does and it was suggested that a possible solution could be to print a quarterly newsletter for hand delivery, but no clear decision made. In order to move forward it was resolved that an initial information meeting should be held and this would be incorporated into the Parish Assembly to be held 17 May. This would give a clear indication of the level of support by the parish for further events.
- NALC email 26/01/22. G Crute raised the issue of the Queen’s platinum Jubilee holiday weekend activities. It was agreed that the Chair should post on the Neasham Villagers Facebook page that if any villagers wished to organise any form of street party or celebration, the Parish Council would welcome any request to use their facilities. The “green canopy” project, a response from Darlington BC is required urgently in order that we can consider alternatives if necessary. The Chair requested approval to purchase a replacement for the Union Jack which was showing signs of wear and also a new Jubilee Celebration flag. Members agreed in principle subject to satisfactory quotations being received.
- NALC email 26/01/22. A request from G Crute that Neasham PC sign the petition on supporting remote meetings was agreed and the clerk instructed to implement it.
- G Crute reported that the DEFRA Rural Insight Forum are seeking information regarding the issue of fly-tipping within parish boundary areas. Clerk to respond stating that we do have issues, but Darlington BC normally respond to any notifications of incidents within 24 hours.
- Darlington Association of Parish Councils’ next meeting to be held on 3 February 2022. The Neasham PC representative, K Sandick, will be accompanied by J Weighell.
- The Chair Airport Consultative Committee meeting was held remotely on 17 January 2022 with the Chair in attendance. It was reported they had come through the problems caused by Covid reasonably well. During this period considerable building works had been carried out with a big improvement to the facilities. It is anticipated that new airlines and routes will be announced and flights to Amsterdam resumed. A return of the air show is planned in June.
- The date of the AGM was agreed as 3 May 2022 and the Parish Assembly 17 May2022.
- P Dunn reported that she had prepared a sketch plan showing the location of the differing styles of planters and a simplified sheet for recording inspections, which was accepted.
- E Miller reported that there had been incidents of “lamping” in the area which had been reported by a parishioner and poaching for which the PCSO had attended site.
The date of the next ordinary Parish Council meeting was set at Tuesday 1 March 2022.
The meeting concluded at 8.00pm.
Minutes signed on 1 March 2022 by J Weighell (Chair)