1 0ctober 2024

Draft minutes of Neasham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 1 October 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room


P Dunn, G Crute, M Hannaford, E Miller, K Sandick, L Tostevin, P Walters, Clerk J Walker


B Crossen (Holiday),


The Chair paid tribute to John for his long and outstanding service to the village and parish as a whole, which was followed by a short period of silent reflection by the members.

24/081- WELCOME

K Sandick welcomed Councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were accepted from B Crossen (Holiday).


There were no Declarations of Interest.


The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 3 September 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.

24/084 – PACT REPORT

The next PACT meeting will be held on 9 October at 6.00pm in the Middleton St George cricket clubhouse.


A complaint by a parishioner regarding the condition of road and markings at Brass Castle/Dinsdale Park junction which had been reported to Highways by L Tostevin. L Tostevin reported that Highways had agreed to resurface that area and reinstate the road markings but only in the adopted part of the area, which would be carried out on 10 October. L Tostevin agreed to take up a query as to whether they would reinstate the white lining as far as Middleton St George whilst working in the area.


It was reported that although here had been no direct contact between the parish council and the Agency, their vehicles were often seen parked in the village and therefore assumed to be continuing to carry out maintenance work. It was also noted that some villagers had cleared overhanging shrubs and other vegetation from the “dry side” of the floodbank, which the agency had requested.


  1. P Dunn reported on the progress of the agreed garden work which were almost complete and thanked Mark Riddel for advice on the types of plant used for an impact. The row of “tete a tetes” in particular was stunning. Mark had also suggested that the removal of the top board of the upstand at the rear of the Memorial garden would be a solution. There were some works outstanding which included relocation of some planters to create fresh spaces, taking out and relocating benches, replacing one flower tub and relocating one to the green area. P Dunn thanked Pretty Gardens for their excellent work and also thanked Colin Sanderson for his kind donation of plants. A formal proposal of thanks to the volunteers Mark, Colin, Pam and Paul was proposed by the Vice Chair was accepted by the members. It was also reported that the two volunteers who carried out the watering of the flower tubs throughout the season would continue for the foreseeable future, but any assistance by local residents in watering the more distant tubs, would be most welcome.
  2. The replacement notice board for Low Dinsdale has been ordered and delivery anticipated in approximately 5 weeks.
  3. The Vice Chair reported that trimming works to the leylandii around the pumphouse will be carried out at the end of October.
  4. An order had been placed for the removal of the Sockburn noticeboard, which was anticipated prior to the next meeting.
  5. The defibrillator was stood down by “The Circuit” after reports of its use. Subsequent inspection showed it to be intact and was reinstated as available.

24/088 – PLANNING

  1. Applications received since last meeting:-
  2. Decisions posted since last meeting: -


  1. Scheduled Inspections due in September:- Village Green (outstanding) and Trees (to be completed in October).
  2. It was resolved that the current arrangement in which B Crossen and M Hannaford would continue to identify any defects throughout the village, but request that B Crossen accept responsibility for co-ordinating the Village Green (including Pump house etc) reports for forwarding to the Clerk.
  3. No defects were raised in September.
  4. The Risk Management Report for the second quarter 2024/5 had been circulated and was accepted by the members.

24/090 – FINANCE

  1. Previously approved payments made in September:- RBL £50 (Wreath), Zurich £517.66 (Insurance), Noticeboard Co £1418.92 (Low Dinsdale board), Clerk £552.96 (Salary), HMRC £138.00 (PAYE). Also approved was a cost of £228.20 (Plants for the garden upgrade) from various suppliers purchased by P Dunn which was less than the budgeted cost.
  2. Minor amendments to the Legal Expenses Cover in Zurich’s Insurance Schedule which are now optional extras Debt Recovery (£30) and Contract disputes (£15). It was resolved not to take up these options.
  3. A proposal to change the official office address of the Council to 2A Neasham Hill, Neasham, Darlington DL2 1QY was approved by the members.
  4. The inclusion of K Sandick as an authorised signatory to the Barclay’s bank account had finally accepted by Barclay’s. It was resolved that M Hannaford be forwarded to Barclay’s as the third signatory.
  5. It was resolved that K Sandick and M Hannaford be forwarded to NS&I as the additional signatories to the account.
  6. The Finance Report for second quarter 2024/5 had circulated and was accepted by the members.
  7. The Clerk reminded members that the Neasham PC precept request had to be forwarded to Darlington BC in December and requested suggestions by members for items of expenditure to be included in the draft Budget for presentation at the November meeting. It was felt that the budget should include an item for funding of a memorial to John Weighell, possibly in the area of the memorial garden. The wishes of the family would be taken into consideration in any decision.
  8. The Chair advised that he would wish to improve Christmas decorations and purchase additional lighting, which would be paid from contingencies. The proposal was approved by the members.


  1. A list of actions required following the passing of John Weighell had been circulated to the members and it was resolved that the Clerk should amend all relevant documents (including noticeboard information), based generally on change of address and authorised signatories.
  2. The Vice Chair raised the specific issue of Notification to the Land Registry following the resignation of J Grainger and the change of address of the Chair which affect the titles to the strip of land alongside Kent Beck and the Pump House. The members approved authority for the Vice Chair to prepare a formal application to the Land Registry on form APP1. It was further resolved to accept the resolution confirming this authority (copy attached to the minutes) which included amendments to the first and second contact details. It was agreed that L Tostevin would confirm the current position regarding bus services being provided to Neasham and the description on the Home page of the website would be amended as necessary.


  1. The Vice Chair reported that the arrangements for the Remembrance Day service were proceeding satisfactorily.  Potentially, the list of dignatories involved in the service included a representative from the Lord Lieutenant’s office, the Constituency MP, B Wrightson, P Walters, G Sandick’s father had been asked to lay a wreath, but the list had yet to be confirmed. It was stated that the search for someone to relate experiences of relatives who had served in the war was continuing.
  2. The Chair reported on the arrangements for the forthcoming Christmas event. He proposed that that the £500 budget previously approved should allocated as £400 directly to the Reading Room, with the balance for improvements to the Christmas Lights and donation to the concert band, which was agreed. The Chair had not been able to attend the Reading Room AGM but had expressed his concerns privately to some members of the RR committee. These concerns related to attendance reaching an unmanageable level, particularly if the event attracted persons from outside the parish.
  3. The Vice Chair agreed to take on the administration of the Neasham Parish Council Facebook page for a limited time period of one year, as he felt that this was a role for a younger person.


  1. The Ward Councillors reported that an appeal had been lodged with the Planning Inspector against the refusal of planning permission and the subsequent enforcement notice for the unauthorised access onto Neasham Road. This access can now continue to be used until the Planning Inspector announces his decision.
  2. Since Parish Councils had been missed from previous circulations of the Consultation, an omission which had been drawn to the attention of the Borough Council by Neasham Parish Council, the current Leader of Darlington Borough Council had ensured that their Council Plan 2024/27 had been circulated to parish councils for consideration and discussion at their next meeting.


  1. Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (05/09), Newsletter (04/09, 18/09), Events (03/09), Legal Bulletin Update 11/09, New Website Going live (05/09, 17/07).
  2. Email from Citizens Advice publicising Pension Credits Take Up which included two posters that have now been posted on the noticeboards.


  1. The Chair informed the meeting that there was some interest in the vacancy on the parish council available for co-option.
  2. E Miller announced that the funeral of Dr Bagshaw would be held at 12 noon on Sunday 6 October in Croft Parish Church.
  3. M Hannaford suggested that parishioners should be advised to have consideration for neighbouring pets when celebrating bonfire night,


Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 5 November 2024.  The meeting concluded at 7.38pm.


Neasham Parish Council


At a Meeting of Neasham Parish Council held on 30 September 2024 at Neasham Reading Room, at which a quorum was present, it was resolved that:

  • The first registered correspondence address relating to the Council’s properties, namely Land to the East of Neasham Abbey, Hurworth Road, Neasham title number DU262586 and The Pump House, Neasham title number DU365642 shall remain unchanged
  • The second contact address relating to the said properties shall be amended to c/o Keith Sandick, 2A Neasham Hill, Neasham, Darlington DL2 1QY
  • The third contact address relating to the said properties shall be amended to: c/o Mark Granville Hannaford, 53 Teesway, Neasham, Darlington DL2 1QT.
  • The vice-chair, Geoffrey Taylor Crute, be authorised to take all necessary steps to amend the address details recorded at HM Land Registry as regards the said  properties

Certified as a true copy of the Minute Ref 24/091 entered in the Council’s Minute Book

John Walker

Clerk to the Parish Council