7 November 2023
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 7 November 2023, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 3 October 2023, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from the previous meeting.
- PACT Meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
- The Vice Chair has agreed to lead the process of recording the condition (including photographs) as evidence) of the existing main roads running through the village. The Chair, J Weighell and J Grainger had previously agreed to be part of the support team.
- Following a further complaint from a parishioner regarding the condition of access roads in the verge on Teesway where ownership is unknown, it had been suggested that the Vice Chair should write to Darlington BC requesting further clarification.
- Environment Agency Matters.
- Remedial work to Agency stile to footpath off Sockburn Lane.
- Curtailment of current mole activity in flood bank.
- Village Green.
- Confirmation that the trees in the Neasham side of Kent Beck had been inspected and no current action planned as they are not a danger to the public. The Vice Chair has added a note to this effect on the Tree Register and an item is to be included the annual PSRA.
- Works to the Memorial Garden. Repairs to raised bed retaining board, cutting down notice board posts and removing old stubs had been completed. The installation of baffle to the lectern remains outstanding.
- Arrangements. For Forthcoming Village Events.
- Confirmation and agreement of arrangements for Remembrance Day Service.
- Confirmation and agreement of arrangements for Christmas Carol Service and liaising with the Reading Rooms on the “Santa’s Grotto” including clarification of any safeguarding issues in respect of children (and vulnerable adults).
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
None. - Decisions received since last meeting: -
None. - 22/00875/FUL Dinsdale Park Golf Club. At the October meeting (following a ballot of members) it was agreed that a formal complaint should be submitted to Darlington BC regarding the process that resulted in approval of the application. Also agreed to defer submission of the complaint until after the November meeting to allow further discussions.
- Update on Appeal against enforcement notice for the siting of 4No mobile caravans and associated works at Skipbridge, Neasham Road.
- An email (26/10) from the newly formed North Yorkshire Council regarding Local Plans.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
- Risk Management.
- Scheduled inspections due in October were Trees (deferred from October) and planters. Noted that two new planters are required.
- Hand over of Risk Management Overseer duties to M Hannaford.
- Finance.
- Previously approved payments made in October:- Eden Landscapes £40.00 (Repair garden upstand), R Heward £200.00 (Maintain Kent Beck verge).
- Three cheques made payable to the clerk for salary and expenditure in respect of items paid out on behalf of the council have gone missing. Review of the process required when resolved.
- Review of the expenditure to date in respect of the Levelling Up Fund second grant including reinstatement of purchase of the portable lights.
- The application to the Banks Community Fun had been agreed and their offer of a grant of £930 as a contribution towards the Christmas Event was unanimously approved by a ballot of the members. An Impact Statement is required to be submitted upon completion of the project, it is essential that records are kept of expenditure, attendance numbers and photographs of all aspects its progress. Consideration is required of any S137 implications.
- Quotation for providing post fixed static lighting with “plug in” connections for duration of event.
- Reaching Out and Communications.
- Ideas from members welcomed for moving forward on reaching out and communications.
- As previously agreed items for publication, including news sheet, to be forwarded to J Weighell to publish on Facebook. Differentiation between Neasham PC formal and personal posts on Facebook to be considered.
- Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (as circulated in October).
- Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive Bulletin (05/10, 12/10, 26/10), Newsletter (11/10, 18/10), Events (24/10), Legal Update (24/10). For information only.
- An email (06/10) from Hardwick in Partnership regarding Training Opportunities.
- An email (06/10) from the Banks Group reporting on their take over by Brookfield, which they consider will not affect local operations.
- Other village matters.
Defibrillator records updated on the Circuit, expiry date on pads November 2025. - Date of the next ordinary Parish Meeting has been set as Tuesday 5 December 2023.