7 May 2024 Annual Meeting followed by Ordinary Meeting

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 7 May 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.



  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Confirmation that the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting held 9 May 2023 had been confirmed as a correct record at the subsequent meeting held 6 June 2023.
  3. Chair`s Report.
  4. Any questions.
  5. Election of Chair for 2024/2025.
  6. Election of Vice Chair for 2024/2025.
  7. Other appointments to support the Chair in effective management for 2024/2025.
    • Asset Management Overseer.
    • Business Management Overseer.
    • Risk Management Overseer.
  8. Date of next Annual Meeting (Provisionally set at Tuesday 6 May 2025).


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 2 April 2024, as previously circulated.
  4. Administration Matters
    • Members to confirm that their Declarable Interests are the same as Declared in 2023 and update those published if their circumstances have changed.
    • Following the resignation of J Grainger a vacancy exists on the parish council which is being advertised on the Darlington BC and Neasham PC websites from 29 April.
    • In addition, because of the resignation there is a need to appoint a third person as a signatory to sign cheques.
    • In view of J Weighell’s current mobility issue, assistance is required in posting Sockburn notices, flying of the village green flags, temporary weekly inspection of the defibrillator. Scheduled Inspections of other assets are currently up to date.
  5. PACT Meeting.
    At recent meeting it had been queried as why there were no meetings held in Neasham. This issue had been considered at a previous parish council meeting and it had been agreed to enquire as to availability of the Reading Rooms, who had confirmed it would be available without charge. Clerk to inform PCSO.
  6. Roads and footpaths.
    Update on works to road to Low Dinsdale and the contaminated “orange” water in the ditch alongside Neasham Road near Skipbridge.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
    • Following a serious of emails the debris to the east end steps to embankment had been removed by the Environment Agency on 8 May.
    • D Inch (Environment Agency Upper Tees Catchment Manager) had requested a meeting with Neasham PC to discuss issues which either party may wish to raise to ensure the good working relationship is maintained.
    • Two concerns raised by D Inch in conversations with the clerk were 1) Weed killing by Street Scene around the return sluices that leave bare soil. 2) Overgrowing vegetation from the backs of dwellings in Teesway backing onto the embankment.
  8. Village Green.
    • Report on the planting up of the flower tubs, including purchase of the plants and any necessary new tubs, arrangements for planting up.
    • Monitoring of the Millennium and Memorial gardens for any necessary maintenance to continue. An examination of the warped boarding to the raised bed had revealed that excavation of soil to permit straightening and installation of stiffeners would be required.
    • Reinstatement of goal posts damaged by recent floods.
    • Review of stickers and signs throughout the village green including signs related to the pandemic.
    • Updated “Other contacts” sheet as circulated.
    • Repair works to Pumphouse stonework will not be carried out until the weather improves.
    • The Head of Environmental Services has stated that a parishioner’s request to move the garden waste collection period forward by two weeks will be part of discussions on the next year’s service.
    • The lighting standard for the village green floodlighting has been erected and the power supply provided, but not live.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:-
      24/00281/FUL – Installation of 12kw Air Source Heat Pump to front of Willow Garth, Dibdale Road, Neasham, DL2 1PF.
      24/00203/FUL – Part change of use of an agricultural field and erection of a vehicle/workshop building etc including new vehicular access at Land adjacent to 2 Neasham Spring Farm Cottages, Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor DL2 1QS.
    • Decisions posted since last meeting: -
    • 22/00875/FUL Dinsdale Park Golf Club application, response still awaited from Darlington BC to the Neasham PC complaint. There appears little activity on site, are the works completed?
    • Formal notification of the result of the appeal against the enforcement notice regarding the siting of 4 mobile caravans at Skipbridge.
  10. Risk Management.
    • Trees, Village Green (including Pumphouse etc) deferred due to weather conditions have now been completed.
    • No defects raised, but debris on steps to the embankment was eventually cleared by the Agency at the beginning of April.
    • The annual All Risks Checklist has been circulated and is tabled for approval.
  11. Finance.
    • Approval of payment of printing cost invoice from 2023/4 Hurworth CA £18.06. Previously approved payments made in April:- None  to date.
    • The balance in the current account at 31 March 2024 was £10,482.78 less unpaid cheque £75, savings account £7,251.38 giving total funds of £17,665.16.
    • The Precept for 2024/5 in the sum of £10,470.00 has been credited to the current account.
    • The accounts have been submitted to the auditor and it is hoped that they will be returned for presentation to this meeting.
    • As neither the gross income or expenditure exceeds £25,000, we are entitled to declare ourselves exempt from a limited assurance review (external audit). The Certificate of Exemption contingency is presented for agreement and the minute book reference recorded.
    • The 2023/4 Annual Governance and Accountability Return is presented for approval and signing off, subject to the return of the accounts.
    • Agreement required of the dates for the 30 day period of the Exercise of Public Right to Inspection. Subject to the signing off of the AGAR, it is proposed that the period commences on 10 June and ends 19 July.
    • The Vice Chair has forwarded a newsletter from Townsgate Insurance Brokers which included useful information on the subject security from cyber attack and queried as to whether the members wished to reconsider the Neasham PC position on this.
    • An email had been from CDALC advertising various training events by them, which included a list of potential sources of funding that Neasham PC could potentially apply to.
    • AC Media had moved the recipient for the website contact page to the Neasham PC email.
  12. Reaching Out and Communications.
    • Consideration of a suggestion by the Vice Chair to invite the applicants of a recent planning application to become climate change champions for the village.
    • The Reading Rooms have confirmed the booking of the hall for the Assembly on 21 May.
    • The Chair proposes that the Assembly meeting will be on an informal basis with tea/coffee and biscuits for refreshment. Sheets have been published advertising the event ready for a leaflet drop and posters for the notice boards two weeks before the event.
  13. Ward Councillor Matters.
  14. Correspondence (as circulated in March).
    • Various emails from NALC regarding Chief Executive’s Bulletin (22/04, 25/04), Newsletter (03/04,22/04), Events (02/04, 03/04, 12/04, 16/04). All listed for information only.
    • Regional Economic Crime Control Centre (RECCC) – monthly cyber crime updates (15/04).
    • The newly appointed Darlington BC Safer Communities Officer would like to meet up with the parish council.
  15. Other Village Matters.
    • It had been reported previously that there was a step protruding into the pavement on the north side of Teesway, owner’s son to be contacted.
    • Any other matter members wish to raise, that does not require a formal notification.
  16. Date of the next ordinary Parish Meeting is Tuesday 4 June 2024.