6 September 2022
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 6 September 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 5 July 2022, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from previous meeting.
- Weatherproof boxes for leaflets to be located at the notice boards. Two of the notice boards are in need of repair/replacement and consideration could be given to combining these works into a package to be funded from the C Chou grant.
- The adjacent embankment/verge area (environs) to Kent Bridge, progress on any proposals for improvement works and agreement with adjacent land owners.
- Progress on proposal for refurbishment of George V seat.
- PACT Meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
Progress on repair of bridge on bridleway off New Lane. - Environment Agency Matters.
Broken slab where the tree fell still awaiting repair. - Village Green.
- The trial wild flower bed on embankment was not a success and it is proposed that it is cancelled. Consideration of an alternative experimental “wilding” or landscaping area adjacent the Kent Beck.
- Shrubbery/Memorial Garden, additional works of an explanatory plaque, spring and summer bulbs and shrub backdrop to lectern, dependant on budget possibly to be set against C Chou grant.
- Removal of diseased tree (T21). Following approval by the members this has been removed. A budget of £120 for a replacement tree has been requested.
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting:- None.
- Decisions received since last meeting:- None.
- Notice from Darlington BC that the Greater Faverdale Design Plan (SCP) was adopted on 14th July 2022.
- Risk Management.
- There were no scheduled inspections due in July/August.
- 1No defect was recorded during July/August and one closed. 2No defects remain open.
- Finance.
- Previously approved payments made in July/August:- P Dunn £150 (ceremony canapes), Hurworth Grange £190 (ceremony refreshments), Nattrass £70 (ceremony flowers), B&Q £29.02 (additional topsoil), Wel Medical £204 (defib new battery), AC Media £9.60 (website hosting), Miss Trees £180 (removal of tree). Approval to pay Wel Medical and Miss Trees was granted by ballot.
- AJ Gallagher at £563.41 (including IPT and fees) were the lowest of the three companies asked to quote for Neasham PC insurance renewal and it is proposed that this be accepted. Internet and emails now excluded and replaced by a “cyber attacks” cover and we need to consider any financial risk that Neasham PC could be exposed to by such attacks.
- The Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments body advises that PC’s can opt out of the external auditor appointment for the next 5 year cycle. Neasham PC is exempt, no advantage in opting out.
- There have been previous discussions on re-imbursement for “significant” printing costs and it is proposed that these costs are at the competitive rates set out in the schedule circulated.
- Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
- Approval of any updated policies and procedures made available prior to the meeting.
- Confirmation of proposal not to display personal contact details on the notice boards and website.
- Agreement of simplified Respect and Anti-bullying statement for posting on the website.
- Climate Change Issues.
- Volunteer required to be in contact with Darlington BC to obtain information on climate change issues to be passed on locally via the leaflet boxes or any other agreed channel.
- G Crute has received notification from Margaret Enstone that the climate change power point has been amended and which may be of interest to the Darlington Association. She also committed to reminding colleagues that all information should be disseminated to the parishes. G Crute volunteered to speak informally to Luke Swinhoe to establish the best approach on the issue.
- Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (all as circulated in July/August).
- Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (27/07, 03/08, 10/08, 17/08, 24/08). Civility and Respect Newsletter (09/08). Chief Executive’s bulletins (08/07, 18/07, 25/07, 02/08, 10/08, 17/08, 30/08). Legal Update LTN40 (18/08). For information only, unless any matters raised by members.
- NALC emails (20/07, 09/08, 28/08) advertising various online events. NALC email 18/08 advertising Civility and Respect Webinar for councillors.
- NALC email 27/07 regarding nominated representative to the Hardwick in Partnership AGM.
- Other village matters.
- Update on proposed Remembrance Ceremony that was agreed to be held on Sunday 13 November.
- In response to a query as to increasing the number of councillors for Neasham, enquiries were made and a “community governance review” would be required which is a fairly involved process.
- Missing dog bin on embankment still not replaced despite reminders.
- The defibrillator was stood down for two weeks as the unit was recalled for a program update. Coincidently it was discovered, whilst away, that a new battery was required.
- Volunteer required to represent Neasham at the Airport Management Committee meetings.
- Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 4 October 2022.
John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council