6 June 2023
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 6 June 2023, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the Annual meeting and ordinary meeting both held on 9 May 2023, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from the previous meeting.
- PACT meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
Update on the request to Darlington BC to carry out further repairs to the sunk trench surface causing damage to 38 Teesway, other potholes in Teesway and Neasham Road, together with the damage to the layby on Teesway as set out in the email sent by a resident. - Environment Agency Matters.
No matters to report. - Village Green.
- Update by Asset Management Overseer on progress generally.
- Refurbishment works to the Kent Bridge area.
- Planting up in the Memorial garden.
- Planting up in the Millennium Garden and future maintenance.
- Replacement of 2No notice boards and other works included in the grant from Darlington BC. Both boards now delivered
- Consideration of repair/replacement of notice board at Low Dinsdale.
- Bench seat at Low Dinsdale, owned by Darlington BC but whom have indicated to the Vice Chair their reluctance to repair or replace it, but would have no objection if Neasham PC carried out any necessary work to the seat arising from it’s temporary removal for access for works to the noticeboard. Assessment required to establish if the work can be done without moving the seat.
- Consideration as to whether the Parish Council wishes to apply to the Tees Valley “Trees on Trees” project and what trees should be applied for.
- The Clerk had received confirmation that the Reading Rooms were to hold the Duck Derby on Saturday 24 June. Insurance levels of cover being provided were confirmed as being acceptable to our own insurer. Clerk to issue consent letter.
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
None (as at 24/05/20). - Decisions received since last meeting: -
None - Update on the planning application submitted by Dinsdale Golf Club (including application for works retrospectively), following circulation of a letter to the parishioners setting out possible implications to Neasham, should the application be successful.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
- Risk Management.
- Scheduled inspections due in May:- planters (May/June), Duck Derby pre-use electrical inspection. (May).
- No new Defect Notices were raised in the month, two Notices remain open, both of which had been forwarded Highways for action.
- Finance.
- Previously approved payments made in May:- The Coffee Pot £10.00 (Assembly coffee, tea and milk), AC Media £367.00 (Accessibility Check and Hosting Charge - 2 years).
- A cheque of £953.95 to Noticeboard Co had been withheld until product was delivered. Following the delivery of the unit the cheque was released but has not yet been presented.
- The balance of the current and savings accounts totals £23,736.37 (after deduction of one unsubmitted cheque). This includes ring fenced funds totalling £9,540 and the current precept payment for 2023/4 expenditure.
- Reaching Out and Communications.
- Distribution of photographic “news sheet” which formed the basis of the Annual Report, together with a letter containing advice how parishioners could register their personal objections to the Dinsdale Golf Club planning application.
- Feedback on matters raised at the Annual Parish Assembly (See also item 15.1 below).
- Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (all as circulated in May).
- Emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (03/05, 10/05, 17/05 and 24/05), Chief Executive Bulletin (05/05), Events (23/05). For information only, unless any matters raised by members.
- Email from Darlington BC advising of new councillor training on 01/06 and 06/06 at the Town Hall.
- Other village matters.
- An email had been received from a parishioner requesting the installation of speed bumps in the village. Unfortunately it was received on the day of the Assembly leaving little time to research the issue and has been placed on the June agenda.
- Discussions between the Chair and a parishioner regarding the information being held by the late M Townsend to be held, subject to diaries.
- Both sets of defibrillator pads (active and standby) have been replaced within the last few months which have a “shelf life” of two years. There is a cost implication of £40/year for this backup facility, but it is recommended that provision of this standby facility should continue, rather than stand down the defibrillator following use. Special thanks to L Conlin who carries out the regular maintenance and responds immediately to any alarms be raised (to date no actual emergencies).
- Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 4 July 2023.