6 December 2022
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 6 December 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1 November 2022, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from previous meeting.
None. - PACT Meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
- A parishioner had raised with Darlington BC the issue of the poor condition (including several pot holes) in the East /West section of New Lane.
- The Clerk had written to Swarco regarding one of the two VAS speed signs. Swarco came to site, but a further visit required as the unit is mains powered. Clerk sent further email requesting clarification of the position.
- Complaints by parishioners raised directly with Councillor Tostevin regarding the condition of the road to Low Dinsdale.
- Environment Agency Matters.
Progress on outstanding defects. - Village Green.
- Miss Trees attended site 23/11/22 to carry out autumn works.
- Quotation awaited for replacement of 2No notice boards, although M Blundell may have a possible alternative to propose. Costs to be added to leaflet boxes and set against C Chou grant.
- B Crossen has completed the refurbishment of George V seat and decorating other seating.
- Ownership of a bench at Low Dinsdale, no response from Darlington BC to date.
- Works in Memorial Garden area for completion this financial year, including two plaques.
- Upgrade works to the Millennium Garden for completion this financial year.
- Response awaited from Darlington BC highways regarding the hornbeam tree overgrowing a lamp standard.
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
Application 22/01199I/TF – Various tree works - 1 Riverside, Dinsdale Park, DL2 1UB.
Application 22/01212/FUL – Demolish existing single storey extension and carry out various new works - 32 Teesway, Neasham, DL2 1QU. - Decisions received since last meeting: -
None. - A second letter of objection in respect of application 22/00875/FUL for various woks at Dinsdale Golf Club had been submitted to the planning authority.
- The Vice Chair had noticed two planning application notifications (22/00780/LBC and 22/00781/FUL) fixed to a lamp post which referred to works at Neasham Abbey. The Clerk contacted Darlington BC who claimed they had been sent, but certainly had not been received.
- Applications received since last meeting:-
- Risk Management.
- Scheduled inspections due in November were planters, Xmas lights (pre-use).
- 4No defects carried forward from previous month. 1No new defect raised in respect of repairs to tarmac surfacing on East/West section of New Lane. Darlington BC Highways were informed.
- The Vice Chair had prepared a consolidated list of items that require regular inspection for use by members in liaising with John Weighell on the Scheduled Inspections.
- Finance.
- Previously approved payments made in November: - Reading Rooms £100 (Room hire), Clerk £3.29 (Stationary), Royal British Legion £70 (Donation), Miss Trees £180 (Tree works).
- Approval of 2023/4 budget including precept for presentation to Darlington BC.
- The local government pay scales for 2022/23 had been published 4 November 2022.
- Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
Production of definitive copies of Policies and Procedures Documents.
Update on Risk assessment of risk to Neasham from possible cyber attack. - Climate Change Issues.
- Reaching Out and Communications.
- Volunteer(s) still required to research and gather information for communication to the parish.
- Preparation of leaflets and other publicity including brief reports for inclusion in the boxes.
- Initial discussion on the production of the Annual Report
- Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (all as circulated in November).
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (02/11, 09/11, 23/11). Chief Executive’s bulletins (07/11, 14/11, 28/11). Various events including Community Outreach/Engagement (01/11). For information only, unless any matters raised by members. - Other village matters.
- Darlington BC had forwarded a publication from the Boundary Commission for England setting out revised proposals which was circulated to our members. As no member raised any further comment and with a deadline for comments set at 5 December, no additional comment was submitted by Neasham PC.
- Feedback on Remembrance Service, collection amounted to £70.
- Update on Christmas Carol Service arrangements.
- Problems with the defibrillator. Confirmation finally received CU Medical Service that no recall was required and that the unit was fit for purpose.
- Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 7 February 2023.
John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council