5 November 2024

Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 5 November 2024, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.

Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.


  1. Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
  3. Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1 October 2024, as previously circulated.
  4. Vacancies on Parish Council.
    • The clerk has been instructed to invite the parishioner, expressing an interest in filling vacancy on the council, to attend the meeting at 6.30pm on 5 November to meet the council members.
    • The official notification requesting an election to fill the vacancy arising from J Weighell’s passing is to be posted 28 October, with the closing date for receipt of any requests set as Monday 18 November 2024.
  5. PACT Meeting.
    Report on meeting 9 October 2024 at Middleton St George.
  6. Roads and Footpaths.
    • Re-surfacing road and re-instating markings at Brass Castle/Dinsdale Park junction.
    • Re-instating road markings along the road from Dinsdale Park junction to Middleton St George.
  7. Environment Agency Matters.
  8. Village Green.
    • Report on the agreed works to Memorial Garden and adjacent area including relocation of seats, with associated alterations to pavings, alteration of the rear upstand to the Memorial Garden bed and the season end emptying the flower tubs.
    • Trimming works to the leylandii around the pumphouse due at end of October.
    • Replacement notice board for Low Dinsdale ordered in September, leaflet boxes require attention.
    • Removal of Sockburn noticeboard.
    • The floatation device had J Weighell as the contact whose name has now been removed, but a replacement volunteer is required to be named on the device. In addition cover is required to inspect the defibrillator and floatation device while the regular volunteers are on holiday.
  9. Planning.
    • Applications received since last meeting:-
    • Decisions posted since last meeting: -
    • An email from Geoffrey McCarthy requesting assistance in identifying ownership of a strip of land forming a footpath near Dinsdale Spa had been forwarded to Neasham PC. The Vice Chair had responded that this was something that the Darlington BC legal department would be in a position to help him with.
  10. Risk Management.
    • Scheduled Inspections due in October:- Trees (to complete in October) , Planters (completed), Village Green (outstanding - revised arrangements). 
    • No defects raised in October.
  11. Finance.
    • Previously approved payments made in October:- Clerk £28.30 (Stationary etc), R Heward £200.00 (Maintaining bridge verge), P Dunn £56.73 (Plants etc), Pretty Gardens £200 (Pavings & seats).
    • Change of mandate to add M Hannaford as authorised signatory to Barclay’s bank account - ongoing.
    • NS&I informed that at the last meeting it was agreed that K Sandick and M Hannaford be added as authorised signatories to the account – ongoing.
    • Preliminary discussions on items of expenditure etc to be included in the draft Budget. Budget must be agreed at the December meeting to submit the proposed precept in December, as required by Darlington BC.
  12. Administrative Matters Associated with the Passing of J Weighell.
    • Informing contacts of Neasham Parish Council of change of official address and other details including website – ongoing. DBC Planning had sent an automatic response not acknowledging the change. Clerk to follow up.
    • Request to HM Land Registry to amend address details in respect of K Sandick and M Hannaford – submitted and ongoing.
  13. Reaching Out, Communications and Events.
    • Arrangements for the Remembrance Day service on 10 November. (See Order of Service issued separately).
    • Arrangements for Christmas event.
    • Any issues regarding communications Facebook, Website etc.
  14. Ward Councillor Matters.
    • Reports from Ward Councillors.
    • As the parish council had not received the consultation edition of the Darlington Borough Council - Council Plan 2024/27, the Vice Chair feels that it is important for members to examine the final document and be given the opportunity to comment at the meeting.
  15. Correspondence (as circulated in October).
    • No NALC documents had been forwarded to Neasham PC since 18/09. When queried by the Clerk their local office confirmed that there had been a “mix up” in their filing system and they immediately forwarded the following NALC communications:- Setting Up a Youth Council, Example Notice of Re-Entry for Allotments, Newsletter, Chief Executive’s Bulletin (23/10, 24/10) all of which have been circulated to the members.
    • Email from Citizens Advice (14/10) with advice on scam awareness.
    • Emails from Point North:- Survey on grant application experience (15/10), News, Updates and Funding Opportunities (25/10).
    • Email from RECCC (22/10) setting out Economic and Cyber Crime advice.
  16. Other Village Matters.
    Any matter that members wish to raise (that does not require formal notification).
  17. Date of the next ordinary Parish Meeting is Tuesday 3 December 2024.