4 October 2022
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 4 October 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 6 September 2022, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from previous meeting.
- Weatherproof boxes for leaflets are now delivered, location and fixings to be agreed. Also replacement of 2No notice boards, consideration to both costs being funded from the C Chou grant.
- Report on proposals to maintain the embankment/verge area (environs) to Kent Bridge.
- Progress on proposal for refurbishment of George V seat.
- Contact by Vice Chair with L Swinhoe regarding a bench, not owned by Neasham, at Low Dinsdale.
- PACT Meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
- Repair of bridge on bridleway off New Lane is now completed.
- A complaint has been received from a parishioner stating that the “private gates” in New Lane are problematic which sometimes result in vehicles using private drives to turn.
- Environment Agency Matters.
J Weighell has contacted the Agency regarding outstanding defects and response received. - Village Green.
- It is proposed that the existing Millennium Garden area is in need of improvement works and approval is sort for carrying out this “facelift”.
- Sum of money for regular Maintenance of the Millennium Garden/Shrubbery area together with regular cleaning to adjacent seating to be included in 2023/24 budget.
- New tree to replace previously removed diseased tree.
- Approval requested of budget of £300 for any pre-winter tree works required.
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting: -
22/00875/FUL – Dinsdale Golf Club – Filling depression and forming bund to driving range. - Decisions received since last meeting: -
None. - Notice of Appeal against Enforcement Notice to Land to off Neasham Road, Hurworth Moor.
- Draft Skerningham Garden Village Design Code masterplan available for comments until 17/10.
- Applications received since last meeting: -
- Risk Management.
- Risk Management report to 30 September as circulated.
- Scheduled inspections due in September were Millennium Garden, Village Green and Trees.
- 2No defects carried forward from previous month, 1No new and 1No re-opened. 4No now open.
- Review of Scheduled Inspection procedures and nominated inspectors.
- Risk assessment of financial risk to Neasham PC arising from any possible cyber attack.
- Finance.
- Finance Report to 30 September as circulated.
- Previously approved payments made in September: - A J Gallagher £563.40 (insurance), Green Magic £118.20 (brochure boxes), J Parker £86.34 (bulbs), J Walker £457.24 (Salary and Expenses), HMRC £114.20 (PAYE).
- Re-imbursement for “significant” printing costs, following a comparison between three suppliers’ rates it was agreed that those from Hurworth Grange be accepted as reasonable.
- Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
- Update of progress on production of definitive copies as previously agreed.
- The Neasham PC Recruitment Procedure to be cross referenced to the NALC Good Employer Guide and issued as part of the Procedures bundle.
- Climate Change Issues.
G Crute has written to Margaret Enstone suggesting that the best way to disseminate information to other parish councils would through the Darlington Association of Parish Councils. - Reaching Out and Communications.
Volunteer required to liaise with Darlington BC and other organisations together with research for information to be communicated to the parish. - Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (all as circulated in September).
- Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (07/09, 21/09). Chief Executive’s bulletins (12/09, 21/09). For information only, unless any matters raised by members.
- NALC email (20/09) advertising various online events.
- Darlington BC email 19/09 regarding review of polling stations and requesting representations.
- Other village matters.
- Update on arrangements for Remembrance Ceremony to be held on Sunday 13 November.
- A complaint has been made about “dog barking” causing disturbance throughout the night and which seems to come from a house on Teesway and whether Neasham PC could help.
- Missing dog bin on embankment still not replaced by Darlington BC.
- Problems with the defibrillator. The Clerk has written a letter of complaint to the Circuit.
- L Swinhoe had held a New Councillor training session at Hurworth Grange on 22 September.
- Nominating a Neasham PC member to Darlington Association of Parish Councils for consideration as representative for the organisation at the Airport Management Committee meetings.
- Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 1 November 2022.
John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council