1 November 2022
Parish Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of Neasham Parish Council on Tuesday 1 November 2022, 6:30PM, in Neasham Reading Room to transact the business listed in the agenda below.
Members of the public are entitled to attend Parish Council Meetings as a non-participating attendee (unless confidential matters are under discussion) but may speak only at the invitation of the Chair. Those wishing to speak on any matter during the meeting must give written notice giving brief details to the Clerk or Chair at least two days prior to the meeting.
- Chair’s welcome and apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
- Approval of the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 October 2022, as previously circulated.
- Matters arising from previous meeting.
- Weatherproof boxes for leaflets now delivered, some fixed. The location and fixing details of the remainder are still to be agreed. Quotation awaited from M Blundell regarding the replacement of 2No notice boards. As previously agreed, the members to consider the cost of both items being funded from the C Chou grant.
- Refurbishment of George V seat, IT problems preventing access to photographs had delayed production of a brief for quotations. B Crossen had agreed to look at the bench to see if we could do the work ourselves, saving money.
- The Vice Chair had written to L Swinhoe regarding ownership of a bench at Low Dinsdale, a response is awaited.
- PACT Meeting.
- Roads and footpaths.
- Bridge on bridleway off New Lane. It had been suggested that mesh panels should be fixed to the bridge fencing for the safety of children. However Darlington BC rejected this in their response.
- A complaint from a parishioner stating that the “private gates” in New Lane are causing problems resulting in vehicles using private drives to turn round. This had been referred to Darlington BC’s RoW Officer who advised the complaint should be made via the Highways Dept.
- Environment Agency Matters.
- Progress on outstanding defects.
- New gate in hedge to rear of 32 Teesway adjacent flood embankment.
- Village Green.
- Proposal for two plaques, one fixed to replica Roll of Honour, second located in Memorial Garden.
- Proposals on Millennium Garden upgrade including more urgent works required this financial year.
- It is proposed to defer the planting of 2No apple trees (to replace the diseased tree) until spring.
- Consideration of maintenance of the Millennium Garden/Shrubbery area and regular cleaning of village seating and viability of the work being carried out by volunteers.
- Clerk had written to Darlington BC highways department regarding the hornbeam tree overgrowing a lamp standard, response awaited.
- Planning.
- Applications received since last meeting:
Application 22/0107 I/FUL - Demolition of existing barn and erection of a new barn - Manor Farm, Low Dinsdale, DL2 1PN. Date for return of response extended to 4 November.
Application 22/01104/FUL - Rear extension and other works - 7 Teesway, Neasham, DL2 1QP. - Decisions received since last meeting: -
None. - At the October meeting it was agreed to submit a response of “no comment”, on the grounds of insufficient information, in respect of the Dinsdale Golf Club planning application 22/00875/FUL. Subsequent to that meeting the Vice Chair has carried out a full review of the documentation (as circulated) which is available for consideration by the members.
- Applications received since last meeting:
- Risk Management.
- Scheduled inspections due in October were planters (or when planters emptied).
- 4No defects carried forward from previous month. 1No new defect raised in respect of signage at Dibdale Road/Neasham Hill junction. Darlington BC Highways were informed, response awaited.
- Scheduled Inspection procedures to be reviewed to share the load as agreed at October meeting.
- Risk assessment of risk to Neasham PC arising from possible cyber attack deferred until December.
- Finance.
- Previously approved payments made in October: - Royal British Legion £50 (Wreath), Eden Landscapes £50 (Removal of trees), Fox and Hounds £50 (Thank You voucher).
- Suggestions of items for inclusion in the 2023/4 budget due to be agreed at December meeting.
- Updating of Policies and Procedures Documents.
Production of definitive copies of Policies and Procedures Documents has been delayed again because of IT issues. Should any packages become available they will be circulated. - Climate Change Issues.
The Vice Chair had written to Luke Swinhoe suggesting a discussion on ways of stimulating local action on the climate change issue and also inform him on Neasham PC’s contact with M Emstone. - Reaching Out and Communications.
Volunteer still required to research and gather information for communication to the parish. - Ward Councillor Matters.
- Correspondence (all as circulated in September).
Various emails from NALC regarding Newsletter (07/09, 21/09). Chief Executive’s bulletins (10/10, 17/10, 24/10). NALC events (11/10, 19/10). For information only, unless any matters raised by members. - Other village matters.
- Update on arrangements for Remembrance Ceremony to be held on Sunday 13 November.
- Report on arrangements for Neasham Christmas Carol Service.
- Problems with the defibrillator. The Clerk has written a letter of complaint to the Circuit who reported that they had forwarded our complaint to the manufacturer, Wel Medical, but no response received from them.
- The CLCA annual meeting was held on 25 October, but due to the short notice no-one was able to attend. There is one meeting per year if anybody is wishes to be the nominated representative.
- The Clerk has written to Darlington APC suggesting a Neasham councillor is willing to be considered as a representative for the organisation at the Airport Management Committee meetings.
- Date of next ordinary parish meeting is Tuesday 6 December 2022.
- John Walker
Clerk to Neasham Parish Council